Saturday 1 September 2012

Kids' DVD review : Harry & His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs - School's Out

We've been gallivanting about so much all over the summer, in Tunisia then with both sets of grandparents, that the Madhouse Mini-testers have hardly watched any TV at all. They've certainly been making up for it since we got back because they had a stack of DVDs waiting for them to review, much to their delight ! One of them was Harry & His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs - School's Out.

It seemed slightly strange to me to sit down to a School's Out DVD just as we're getting ready to go back to school but the DVD was released back at the start of the holidays on the 6th August. The Madhouse Mini-testers had no such qualms and happily sat down to watch. It turns out that the first episode is all about the Dinosaurs going to school anway, with Harry as their teacher and having lots of adventures, so it is perfect for Pierre who is about to go to school for the first time.

Both 3-year-old Pierre and 7-year-old Juliette sat, totally glued to the screen, watching the whole thing in one sitting ! It is comprised of 6 episodes (School's Out - Hurray for Pizza - Superheroes Don’t Dance - Is that Really a Lamp? - I Want to Help - Somebody’s Moving) with a total run-time of 66 minutes. The idea of toys coming to life really appealed to both of them (cue lots of follow-on imaginative make-believe play!) and the slightly naughty antics (especially the exploding bicarbonate of soda volcano) had them giggling in excitement ! Each episode has an educational slant, be that a life lesson such as being careful what you wish for or learning something such as how pizzas are made.

Don't be put off by the title that suggests it's summer holiday-themed- it's actually a fabulous back-to-school DVD with the first episode preparing young children about to pass through the school gates for the first time, showing that school can be fun (even if you're not a dinosaur !).

star rating : 5/5

RRP : 66 minutes

Disclosure : We received a copy of the DVD in order to write an honest review.

Other reviews you may be interested in :

So You Want To Be A Pirate! DVD review


  1. Wow! Thanks for the review, I had no idea such a DVD exists, this is really what I need for my son, starting reception next week....

    1. aww we'll have to compare notes ! Hope he has a fabulous time and there aren't any tears (yours or his !!)

  2. Luckily my daughter can't wait to start school, and I can't wait either! We loved the book so will have to check out the DVD
