Tuesday 4 September 2012

DVD review : Dallas Series 1 & 2 Boxset

We all love mystery parcels here at The Madhouse so everyone got really excited when this beautifully packaged box arrived a couple of weeks ago. We pulled apart the red, white and blue tissue paper (first clue !) ...

Underneath we discovered lots of little stars (second clue !) and finally unearthed .... a classic bit of Americana (which explains the red, white and blue and stars of the packaging) - a boxset of Dallas !

Now, you can't have missed the buzz at the moment - everyone on twitter seems to be talking about the fact that September sees the new version of this classic being launched on Channel 5. You may not know that it also signals the release of the complete boxset of the original first two series. Warner Brothers kindly sent us through the boxset and I was amazed to see if offers 1397 minutes of nostalgic viewing pleasure - what do you mean you don't know your 60 times table ?! That's 23 and a half hours so you could literally sit down and watch Dallas all day long if you were so-minded !

I haven't watched back to back episodes but I have been dipping in every now and then when there's nothing on TV. It's classic 70's telly and never fails to make me feel all nostalgic for the TV but also the lifestyle of my youth - in the first episode, I squelaed at the big boxy wooden television, in the second I sniggered at the oh-so-seventies DJ in the club, then there are the clothes, the cars, everything really ! It's like watching Life On Mars and time-travelling back to your childhood !

If you don't know the original Dallas, the blurb says : "Power, wealth, sex ... and glorious extravagance. They all find a home in the sprawling saga of the Ewing clan in Dallas. Revel in the saga that held the world in thrall for more than a decade: Led by the man everyone loves to hate, J.R. Ewing (Larry Hagman), there is no limit to what members of this family will do in the pursuit of power, wealth and revenge in a feud that started 40 years ago over an empire in oil and the love of a woman."

With delightful villains, lashings of political incorrectness and some just plain weird and wacky storylines, it makes compulsive viewing, especially if you remember it from the first time around. It's rated 12+ but I was certainly younger than that when I watched it as a kid and the mild sex scenes just went over my head anyway.

Dallas was absolutely huge first time around and I can see it being a big hit when the new series hits the screens, so watching this "so-uncool-it's-cool" original version will be a great introduction for anyone who isn't old enough to remember the originals.

Altogether now ... Da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-daaaa !!

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £15

Disclosure : I received a Dallas Series 1 & 2 boxset from Warner Brothers in order to write an honest review.

Other reviews you may be interested in :

DVD review : Scooby-Doo Spooky Games review


  1. Remember it the first time round, cannot wait for the new series, I may dig out some shoulder pads! :-)

  2. im not sure if it was on when i was younger. i dont remember it so will have to give it a watch!

  3. wow a bit of nostalgia, love it xx

  4. We have just received this too - I can't wait to catch up and the new series looks fab!!!!

  5. Ha ha I sang along at the end there with you. We may find a shoulder pad revival - as Rebecca suggested - everyone may do that. Ah well it creates the impression of a smaller waist which is always nice.
    Rated 12! yeah I think I was younger than that when we were trying to work out when a certain someone was shot.

    1. LOL That theme tune is so catchy, it's been going round in my head for days !

  6. when i was a kid I had a who shot JR shirt! Looking forward to the new series.

    1. I bet there will be a whole new load of Dallas shirts coming soon !! lol

  7. Great - I used to watch Dallas every Wed while I was babysitting!
