Sunday 14 October 2012

Sunday Weigh-in : Celebrating the positives

The last couple of weeks have been crazily busy and one of the first things that always takes a knock is the healthy eating plan. Madhouse Daddy Mike generally steps in to cook up something to eat in the evening which invariably means a frozen ready meal or pizza, so I'm not expecting great news when I jump on the scales in a minute.

But I have been noticing lots of things lately that make me smile and realise how far I've come.

- I've given up wearing shapeless leggings and tracksuit bottoms and started wearing jeans all the time, because they're really comfortable now and look more flattering.

- I happened to glance at myself in the full-length mirror when I was getting dressed and actually liked what I saw.

- I've discovered that shopping is fun when you look round the shop to find what you like, not what will fit.

- I'm loving the fashion blogger challenges that come through now, rather then panicking and thinking "what if they don't have anything in my size ?"

- I looked at my twitter and facebook avatars and thought I should update the photos because I don't look like that any more !

- When my clothes become too big now, they go straight to the charity shop rather than to one side, just in case I put weight back on.

All of that is way more important than the figures. But, here's goes. Time to find out if the scales will be my friend this week ! Ooh better than I expected actually - a 100g loss when I was expecting a gain ! :)

STILL TO GO : 14.9kg

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

The fab linky that Sarah created is back again this week so you can all add your blogposts again - and the amazing thing is, you can add it to any of the blogs featuring it and you'll show up on all of them. How cool is that ?! You'll also get loads of lovely comments to cheer you on or cheer you up, depending on how your week has been ! Good luck everyone - I look forward to reading your posts.

Disclosure : I'm currently using a Thinking Slimmer SlimPod and a WeightWatchers Online subscription, in return for honest feedback. I also receive regular hampers of WeightWatchers products, and have also benefited from a one-month Jenny Craig trial.


  1. Well done :)

    I can't wait till I start seeing the changes. It's going to be a great day when I can go into Asda and actually be able to buy something that fits!

  2. well done, a loss is a loss no matter how small and all the changes to your body you can see it's working

    1. That's what I keep telling myself ... and I am actually starting to believe it now too :)

  3. Well done on the loss Cheryl, really pleased for you. I think getting rid of your big clothes is a great idea, at least you know you're never going to be that big again. And yes please up date your photo, I'd love to see how well you've done. Good luck for next week. xx

  4. Well done. You sound as if you are making steady progress which is the best way to make it a ong term chnage. A good idea getting rid of the bigger size clothes - I tend to keep mine in a 'fat pile' which is maybe where I keep going wrong.

    1. This is the first time I've done it ... but to be fair, I'm now in the mindset of no more pregnancies so no more reson to get bigger again too ! :)

  5. Well done, you're doing so well! I love reading the changes that you're seeing in your clothes etc, can't wait to see a few of my own! x

    1. I think we're all doing really well *group hug* !!

  6. Woo! A great positive post, keep it up - we're all behind you xx

  7. You should do a big reveal soon! You are doing so well

  8. Well done! I love the changes you are seeing :)

  9. A nice positive read! It is easy to only focus on the negatives at times. Well done! I think many of us know what it's like to struggle with losing weight.

    1. That's what I love about our little online group of weightloss buddies - we all encourage and support each other which is amazingly helpful :)

  10. Well done you have done so well!

  11. well done, you have done so well!

  12. hi ya - where do we add our weight loss - im doing the biggest looser nd i lost 2lb again this week :)

    1. There's a linky at the bottom of the post. If you haven't got a blog, just leave a comment :)

  13. isn't it fab when you find you've lost weight even when you haven't expected too! Result!

  14. well done!! I find losing weight so hard i have lost a stone since feb and want to lose another 1 and a half!!

    1. The SlimPod really does do all the hard work, to be honest - I still feel like a cheat !! lol

  15. i stayed the same again this week - i really dont know why as i was really good and didn't even eat all of my calories - i didn't go to the gym once though , im hoping thats not whats stopping the weight loss because with the dark nights i dont fancy going to the gym after work :( Good luck for everyone elses weight in :)

    1. Maybe you should take measurements ? Sometimes you lose inches even when the scales don't budge. (PS If you click through on the SlimPod label at the very bottom of the post, that will take you to the list of weigh-in posts - this was last week's ! :) )
