Monday 26 November 2012

VELCRO® #101Uses Challenge - #8 Keeping track of your paperwork

Our diswasher went wrong a few weeks ago and, before we gave up and bought a new one, we did the traditional mad looking all over the house for the paperwork (warranty and user's guide). We did actually manage to locate both of them in the end but it made me think, wouldn't it be so much easier to keep the documents with the appliance itself ?

The little round stick on pads are ideal for attaching the documents to the appliance (here, it's our bread-machine but it could be anything from the washing machine and microwave ao DVD player and TV), out of the way around the back. (Just make sure it's not covering up any vents or sitting anywhere it may get hot.)

Disclosure : I received a hamper of VELCRO® products in order to take part in the VELCRO® #101uses challenge.

Other reviews you may be interested in :

VELCRO® #101Uses Challenge - #5 Practising my colours !

VELCRO® #101Uses Challenge - #4 Dog-proofing the bin bag

VELCRO® #101Uses Challenge - #3 Cable ties


  1. That's a good advice. I have lost my breadmachine recipe book. If I find it, it goes straight to the side, attached by Velcro

  2. That's a good idea, I keep my documents for appliances in the filing cabinet and I still have to rifle through looking for the right one!
