Wednesday 21 November 2012

VELCRO® #101Uses Challenge - Let the fun begin !

If there's a fun blogger challenge going on, The Madhouse is always more than happy to get involved so I was very pleased when we were asked if we'd like to join in on the #101uses VELCRO® Challenge in honour of VELCRO® month!

We've just received a hamper full of VELCRO® products - I never dreamed there were so many different products available in the range - and now the fun begins because our challenge is to come up with 101 uses for them (collectively, not each, although I'll try my best !!)

Watch this space and feel free to share your own ideas with me if you can think of any more !

Disclosure : I received a hamper of VELCRO® products in order to take part in the VELCRO® #101uses challenge.

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  1. I received it today as well, and also never imagine that they have such a big range. Will be fun to do this challenge. So many possibilities

  2. It looks like you are in for a fun Velcro learning journey
