Saturday 29 December 2012

Drumond Park LOGO What Am I? review

We've been having lots of board game sessions here at The Madhouse over the Christmas period, which has been a lovely way of reconnecting as a family without the distractions of ipads, Facebook and - ahem - blogging ! Today, we've been playing LOGO What Am I? which is a great game for older kids and adults to play together.

The central part of the game is a box full of 250 double-sided cards, each of which has three different types of challenges on them - the Guess challenge, represented by the question mark (other players have to ask yes/no/maybe questions to name what's on the picture); the Draw challenge, with the pencil symbol (you can choose either of the words to draw and other players have to find the word on the card); and the Describe challenge, represented by the speech bubble, where you have to describe all three words in order so that other players guess the words on the card. (The fact that the cards are double-sided is a bit of a pain actually because it's hard to keep them hidden when you pick one off the pile to play.) All of these challenges must be completed with a set time, using an egg timer.

Players work their way around the board, with each square on the board corresponding to one of the three challenges. You can see my "fabulous" picture of a watering can in the photo above for the drawing challenge! It's a fast-paced game and there's no boring waiting for your turn because for each completed challenge, not only the player but also the one who guessed the word gets to roll the dice and move forward so it's a general free-for-all each time.

The game is suggested for players aged 8+ which is definitely the minimum because, as well as being able to read, players need a good knowledge of brand names, some of which are quite grown up. For example, Juliette had no idea what Direct Line was and J20 fruit juice was another unknown brand to her.

It's a fun game for teens and parents to play and had us giggling at everyone's attempts to draw and describe things without saying the names. It's a bit like a mixture of Pictionary, charades and Taboo all rolled into one.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £24.99

Disclosure : We received a LOGO What Am I? game in order to write an honest review.

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