Sunday 6 January 2013

Sunday weigh-in : First one for 2013 !

"The post-Christmas weigh-in" ... words guaranteed to strike fear into any dieter's heart ! Time to take stock of the damage and see how much of your hard work you've undone in one week over Christmas !

The last time I did a weigh-in was just before Christmas and I was 78.8kg, my lowest weight yet with more weight lost (13kg) than left to lose so I was in a very good place.

Then Christmas happened. Although I want to lose weight, I'm not putting my life on hold either so I've been indulging in all the traditional Christmas offerings as well as the things I love to rediscover when we go back to England - boxes of chocolates, Christmas cake, Christmas pudding with Cornish ice cream, pork pies, KFC, Domino's pizza, alcohol, pretty much daily apƩritifs with the in-laws (imagine a smorgasbord of everything packed with calories - crisps, peanuts, cubes of cheese, pistachios, garlic bread, garlic sausage, chorizo, ... - washed down with Malibu and coke (full fat, they didn't have diet coke) BEFORE sitting down to a three course meal - aaaggghhhhh !). You get the idea !

I knew this was going to be bad news next time I jumped on the scales but also decided I'd take it on the chin and get back on track in the New Year without beating myself up about it. When we got back home on January 1st, I decided to step on the scales, fully clothed, in the evening, after dinner, so I knew I'd be the heaviest weight possible and that I'd have lost a bit by morning ! (See? I know how to make myself feel good !!) I can't actually remember what the scales said but it was 83 point something - eeek !

After a few days of sensible eating, I went for a proper weigh-in (in the morning, after a wee and with no clothes this time !) and was 80.2kg. That's not bad at all, especially as my goal over Christmas was to stay the right side of 80kg - that's close enough.

Then last night, I finally succumbed to the 24-hour sickness bug that has been doing the rounds. Having finally dragged myself to the shower to try and feel human again, I decided to venture on to the scales to see if throwing my guts up all night had made any difference - 79.4kg !!! Wow, I suddenly don't feel so bad about giving in to the sickness bug !!

So that's amazing - I've had Christmas and New Year to indulge in anything I wanted, I'm now craving healthy foods like baked potatoes, soup and salads, and I only put on 600g ! :)

My target for next week - get back to my pre-Christmas weight and have a bigger number on my "weight lost" than "weight left to lose" badge again !

STILL TO GO : 13.4kg

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Good luck to everyone else in the weight-loss gang and I hope nobody is beating themselves up about any weight they may have put back on over Christmas !

Disclosure : I'm currently using a Thinking Slimmer SlimPod and a WeightWatchers Online subscription, in return for honest feedback. I also receive regular hampers of WeightWatchers products, and have also benefitted from a one-month Jenny Craig trial.


  1. Ha ha that sickness bug is to blame for many a weight loss lately! Your list of things you ate over christmas made me want to lick the scree - I clearly have some bizarre issues with food ha ha! You'll get back down to what you were in no time, good luck for next week! x

  2. half way there, you are doing amazingly!

  3. Christmas is always a no go for me with regards to diets. It is impossible to stay away from all the yummy food! You have done really well with your journey and you are almost at your target! Let's kick some weight loss butt in 2013! :) x

  4. Well done :) I decided to enjoy Christmas as well and deal with it afterwards.
    I'm glad I made the decision because I would have eaten everything anyway but this way it stopped me feeling guilty!
    Good luck for the year ahead :) xx

  5. All the best for the new year Cheryl and good luck in reaching your goal. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas, all that yummy food is making me feel hungry and I'm not starting my diet till tomorrow, I might just have a look in the kitchen and see what I can snack on........

  6. Glad you had a lovely Christmas, and even more glad you're not feeling guilty about it. Life is for the living!
    I'm sure you'll tackle those two pounds this week and then you're back on track with a shiny new year ahead of you!

    1. It's only 1 - one side goes down and one goes up ! lol :)

  7. Wow this is impressive! Well done! 0.6kg is really nothing!

  8. The one advantage to a sickness bug! You have made me giggle x

  9. I could do with a sickness bug or 4 I matter what I do (I have cut down portion sizes, have stopped snacking inbetween meal, eating better meals etc) I can not loose it. My aim was 5 stone over 5 years, well Im 2 years into that and barely lost a lb

    1. Awww the SlimPod was what kicked off my weightloss - hope you find something that works for you. I've decided to add in some exercise this year too :)

  10. Sickness bug aside, well done ( hope you're feeling better )

  11. Well done and hope you are on the mend after that horrible bug

  12. Ugh, that sickness bug has really been going around!
    WTG on the weight loss! You are doing amazing! =] x

  13. You have had amazing weigh loss so far.. I hope ur feeling better after having the sickness bug xx

    1. Thanks, hoping this year will be just as successful ! :)

  14. Well done on your success to date and here's to you working towards your target this year. It is so funny the games we play with ourselves on this journey. Did a practical striptease at my Slimming World class but still managed to come in a pound up. Peer support helps so thanks for joining in with #WobblesWednesday

    1. LOL It's so funny to see we all do the same things ! #wobblesWednesday inspired me to break open a new fitness DVD I'd been sent for review so thanks for the extra motivation !

  15. Good luck! I'm sure with enough will & determination you will reach your goal :) x
