Thursday 3 January 2013

Want to Share Your Top Turkey Tips?

The fact that it's a week after Christmas and that I blogged about Stuffed Turkey Paupiettes yesterday probably had you groaning "oh nooo, not more turkey" when you read that, but rest assured, this has nothing to do with festive poultry so don't stop reading!

TravelSupermarket got in touch a little while ago to say that they were looking for a small number of bloggers who knew about some specific holiday destinations in order to share their insider knowledge and work with them on "cheat sheets", providing ideas and advice to anyone considering a trip abroad. I said I'd be happy to share my experiences of Turkey, where we've been twice for a family holiday with the kids. Our first trip there was in 2011 and we went to Antalya on the Mediterranean coast of southwestern Turkey. It is Turkey's biggest international sea resort, located on the Turkish Riviera and is very touristy. Our second trip was to Yalikavak on the Aegean coast of Turkey at the north eastern tip of the Bodrum Peninsula. This second trip was in 2010, so Pierre was only a baby/toddler both times (he was born in 2009 so was 1 year old and not yet walking the first time and just turned 2 and toddling about but still getting tired quickly the second time).

I've already shared lots of our holiday snaps from Turkey, both on the Where in the World is Jenny WoodenMum? blog and on our Welcome Back To The Madhouse family blog (both of which can be accessed via my sidebar) but I've just been having a trip down memory lane, looking through them all to inspire me for the Turkey cheat sheet and I thought I'd share a few with you here.

This is the dolmus - the local taxi-bus to Yalikavak, where we stayed on our first trip. They wait until they're full up then set off ! It's a great way of getting about fast and is really cheap so it's full of as many locals as tourists.

This is Juliette showing off her jingle-tastic belly dancer's dress - be warned, if you have a daughter under the age of 11, you WILL have one of these in your luggage on the way home ! They can be picked up quite cheaply in the markets so don't buy them in the hotel shop, where the prices are much higher.

My favourite memory of Turkey is walking around the local markets, looking at the huge wheels of cheese, drooling over the enormous baklava-type pastries dripping with honey and breathing in the heady mix of all the different spice aromas mingling in the sun.

Have any of you been to Turkey before? I'd love to hear your stories and top tips too. They might even end up on the Cheat Sheet for everyone to take advantage of ! Or maybe you have some general advice for travelling to exotic climes with young children? I look forward to reading your comments :)

Disclosure : This blogpost is part of a series of Blogger Cheat Sheet posts, in collaboration with TravelSupermarket

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Blogger challenge : Capture the colour !


  1. I am amazed, popped on to say I went to a tiny place called Yalikvak, to read that is where you were too. We went pre children and had an amazing time. I would highly recommend doing the trips to different areas to Turkey (do it through a local agent though rather than through the travel agent £10-£20 cheaper pp!). It does mean an early start and a few hours on a coach, but seeing the sunrise and then spending the day at Ephesus is worth it. We went for the overnight stay and visited Pamukkale too. Stunning. Other days included trips into Yalikavak and Bodrum castle. I still remember how lovely it was to go out on a lovely warm evening and eat fresh fish and salad. Ooooh, it's making me want to go back :)

    1. Oh shhhh we had a bit of an argument about Ephesus because Madhouse Daddy Mike wanted to go there but I thought it would be too much for a 1 year old ! I agree that without kids it would be fabulous though. Pamukkale - is that the mushroom house things ? That looked cool too :)

  2. Ive been to turkey many times but always stayed in the antalya region, there are so many beautiful spots nearby with waterfalls which are perfect for picnic days out. The childrens museam there is also great.
    Also i did a trip to perge and aspendos, viewing ruins and an ampitheatre which was wonderful to gain so much history knowledge whilst getting a tan :)

    1. The waterfalls are a great way to beat the heat too :)

  3. I've been to Yalikavak twice and Gumbet twice but without kids, absolutely love it out there and would definitely go again. I'm surprised to find someone else who even knows where Yalikavak is let alone who's been there too! I could give you a guided tour of the Gumbet bars and clubs with my eyes closed, not quite sure the kids would like it though ;-)

    1. Yalikavak seems to be a really popular resort !

  4. We stayed at Dalyan this summer and had a lovely time. The boat trips on the river were very good value and meant we were able to do something different every day - turtle beach,the lycean tombs, the mud baths, local markets, just relaxing on moonlight river trips. It was lovely and i would love to go there again.
