Saturday 16 February 2013

Parents' Scooter Club - a get fit guide for mums, dads and children

The days are starting to get longer which is a sure sign that spring is on the way. As we're about to head into half-term, the natives Madhouse House Mini-testers are getting restless and want to get outside on their bikes and scooters again. Pierre is all excited about the idea of getting back to scooting along on his Micro-Scooter and I love the fact that they'll be getting lots of fresh air and exercise.

But how about, rather than standing on the sidelines watching your kids get all that exercise, you join in too and incorporate it as a fun part of your fitness routine? One of the things I always notice when listening to the "Make exercise fun" part of my Slimpod is that, even if I don't start doing structured sport, I always get the irrepressible urge to play at running around with the kids or giving my thighs the ultimate workout on the seesaw at the park! Who says exercise has to involve a gym or be boring? Get your kids involved, have a giggle and give yourself a workout at the same time !

Micro Scooters have really taken this idea to a new level and come up with some fabulous workouts that you can try with the kids and their scooters. Working with Mary-Ann Elder, a family fitness specialist from the South of England, they’ve created three, simple-to-follow programmes, targetting post-natal women, women and children and general fitness. Even better, they've created printable sheets outlining everything you need to know (they even show you pictures so you can see how it should be done) so that you can take them along with you.

If you're intrigued, head over to their website, scroll down to the "About Us" section at the bottom of the page and click on the Mum's Scooter Club link to find the Mum's Fit Guide, Children's Fit Guide and Postnatal Fit Guide pdf's to download.

What do you think? Looks like great fun to me !

(And if you've got a Micro Scooter, keep your eyes open for a fab giveaway coming soon !)

for more information :

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Union Jack Mini Micro Scooter review


  1. This sounds like so much fun, it's my youngest sons birthday in March and I was thinking of getting him a micro scooter!

  2. It seems interesting after seeing this I am thinking to get a baby scooter to my kid.
