Wednesday 6 February 2013

Grafix Design Your Own Ice Rings review

When Juliette saw the "Design Your Own Ice Rings" name on the box, she squealed, then looked confused and said "won't they melt?". I reassured her that they aren't really made of ice, despite the name, but make sure your kids know this in advance or they may be disappointed !

Inside the box, you get five clear plastic rings, five stickers, 6 acrylic paints and a paintbrush. One of my pet gripes is excess packaging and they could easily have used a box a quarter of the size - even Juliette commented on the fact that the box is huge compared to the contents.

The first thing to do is stick the stickers on the rings. The instructions are a bit confusing because they tell you to put the stickers on the inside but you can't, you have to stick them on the outside. 

Juliette had great fun covering the rings in brightly coloured paint and stickers.

Here are her finished rings, which she was very pleased with.

Nowhere near as impressive and professional looking as the ones on the box, but I think you'd be hard pushed to recreate those, even as an adult !

Juliette had a lot of fun with it and was really happy with it, but the size of the box does make it look better than it is. At full price, I think it's expensive for what you get in the box, but if you can pick it up at the lower £2.99 price, it's a great little kit to keep the kids entertained during half term.

star rating : 3.5/5

RRP : £5.99 (but I noticed they are only £2.99 at many places when I went to check the price)

Disclosure: We received a selection of Grafix products in order to write honest reviews.


  1. OoOo this looks like fun ;D

  2. My nieces would love this kit, simply fab! and well done, Juliette!

  3. I agree, too much packaging, this is not environmentally friendly

  4. My sonis going to a girls birthday party next week, I wonder if she would like this

  5. these look fun! grafix do some brilliant kits great prices too
