Sunday 3 February 2013

Limited Edition Red Nose Day PEZ Dispensers review

My inbox has rapidly been filling up this week with press releases about all the different products that you can buy to help support Comic Relief, but one leapt out at me in particular. You may have seen how excited my inner 80's child was earlier in the week when we got to try out the newly relaunched Um Bongo that I remember from my youth. Well, it's time for another blast from the past - PEZ dispensers !

I don't think they ever disappeared from the shops actually, I just outgrew them and stopped looking for them - but having seen how excited I got when I received this one through the post, I think I should start buying them again. The question is, for me or the Madhouse Mini-testers?! In reading the press release for the Comic Relief PEZ dispensers, I've learnt that serious grown-up PEZ collectors are called PEZ-heads ! I could be one of those !!

Anyway, the PEZ dispensers in question feature this year’s ‘Dinosesaur’ Red Nose Day characters who go by the names of Dinomite, Triceytops and T-Spex. They come with two packets of crunchy, fruity, slightly fizzy sweets that taste exactly as I remember them. 

A donation of 5p from every PEZ Red Nose Day dispenser sold will be donated to Comic Relief. That sounds like a good enough reason to me to keep munching them all the time they are on the shelves !

List of stockists: Sainsbury’s, TopShop, B&M Bargains, The Factory Shops Essex, Appletons, Hancocks

Disclosure : I received a Red Nose Day PEZ Dispenser in order to write an honest review - but I'll be going out to buy the rest out of my own pocket !

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  1. I remember these, well not the red nose ones obviously lol, I use to have a disney one every friday when I was a kid LOL. x

  2. My kids love Pez, these look brilliant, I will keep a look out for them

  3. brilliant! used to love these as a child
