Wednesday 20 February 2013

Our Tree Fu Tom Twitter Party

If you were online yesterday between 4-6pm, you can't have failed to notice that there was a Tree Fu Tom twitter party going on. Within 4 minutes, #treefutomtoys was trending in the UK which was pretty good going. Along with 19 other bloggers, I was holding a real life Tree Fu Tom party at the same time as trying to follow the twitter feed so it was all totally manic but great fun ! The kids all loved the Tree Fu Tom toys, especially the dance mat (I'll be reviewing them over the next few days), as well as the party games and the food. Here are a selection of images to show you what we got up to !

Forget boring old Pin The Tail On the Donkey, we had Pin The Nose on Tree Fu Tom !

The play mat was great for keeping Pierre occupied until the guests arrived - he had great fun practising his Tree Fu magic moves !

It was perfect timing because this was also Juliette's birthday week so she got lots of birthday presents to open.

We'd received a big box of toys to give out to the party guests so I made two big pass the parcels - always good for calming everyone down !

The Squizzles were the biggest giggle-producer of the day. They can be thrown like frisbees or used for a hilarious game of Pass The Squizzle using only your knees.

Much hilarity ensued !

I'd decided to keep back the cupcakes, tub of ready-made icing and edible Tree Fu Tom cake toppers so each guest could make their own cupcake. This was incredibly poular.

The big Tree Fu Tom cake that we'd made totally wowed them and I was pleased to see they recognised him !

They took the colouring competition very seriously !

They were all far too good at walking around the room with a Squizzle balanced on their heads.

So I upped the ante by telling them they had to walk to the Tree Fu Tom poster and bend down to give him a kiss without the Sqizzle falling off !

Sleeping Tigers - always good for calming things down when they're getting over-excited !

So gang, what did you think of the party ?!

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Our Tree Fu Tom Twitter Party Food

Action stations for our Tree Fu Tom Twitter Party !