Friday 8 March 2013

What's Cooking at the Madhouse next week? Menu Plan 5

I've had a spring clean in my food cupboard and want to use up some of the cooking sauces that I have lurking at the back of the cupboard so this week will be a half-cook from scratch with cooking aids week. This may all change when I see what's in this week's fruit & veg box though !

Saturday :

lunch - we may end up going to the eat-all-you-like Chinese buffet at our local Chinese restaurant - it's not as bad as it sounds calorie-wise, you can actually have a pretty healthy meal, as long as you avoid everything deep-fried and steer clear of the self-service ice cream freezer !

dinner - I doubt very much that anyone will be hungry - toast, cereal or porridge, if they are

Sunday :

lunch -  Madhouse Daddy Mike will be out all day (last day of carnival) so I may do something special with the kids - maybe an indoor picnic with lots of finger foods?

dinner - we'll be baking so maybe homemade pizza or maybe cheese & bacon muffins with tomato salad

Monday : 

dinner - Bengali coconut chicken (using a sachet of sauce and fresh ingredients), with rice and vegetables
Tuesday :

dinner - Crispy Chilli Beef with noodles and stir-fried veg (using a jar of sauce and tempura batter)
Wednesday :

lunch - it's a quick Madhouse Daddy Mike special : beefburgers and rice or pasta

dinner -  Peanut Satay chicken with rice and salad (or maybe wedges if everyone's had enough of rice ! Seems to be a Chinese theme going on this week! )

Thursday :

dinner - Meatballs (with extra veggies - onions, peppers, mushrooms, broccoli - and tinned tomatoes) with couscous

Friday :

dinner - Sweet Soy Glaze Chicken with stir-fried vegetables and noodles

So what are you eating next week?

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  1. I love the look of your meal planners simple yet satisfying :D

  2. We've started doing meal plans here, our strict budget gave us no choice really. It's working out quite well - we're trying more new dishes (usually found via Pinterest) and I'm able to keep the shopping bill under control. I had the older 2 plan the menus for the last couple of weeks - they didn't realise how expensive the ingredients were until then!
