Wednesday 5 June 2013

I saw three ships come sailing by ...

There was a speactacular sight at the weekend when a whole load of three master ships came sailing in to the port so we went down to have a look.

The kids loved looking at the big ships and were amazed at how enormous they were.

But it was the "pirate ships" that really impressed them.

They loved reading the names of the boats and trying to guess where they came from or how their names came about. Sophie decided this one was Greek (she's probably right) and we had fun trying to work out the story told by the carvings.

We all loved this lion carving on the front of one of the boats.

The rigging looked great against a bright blue sky - yay for sunshine at last !

The prize for the most brightly coloured boat goes to this one.

By this time, Pierre had crashed out in the buggy !

Which gave the girls time to discover the smaller vessels !

"Look, I'm Iggle Piggle - hee hee hee !!"

Get up those sails, you varmint ! 

(She hasn't really climbed up a full three-master sail by the way, this was a scaled down version !)

Meanwhile Juliette and Pierre had fun splashing about on the water (and getting soggy bottoms !).

Pierre had fun being a pirate.

And riding a killer whale !

Goodness me, get that young pirate a haircut !

Well, we may have had to queue for over an hour but it was totally worth it, according to the girls !

While we waited, Pierre got in some practice for when he's famous and leaving his mark on Hollywood's Walk of Fame !

Another great day out for the Madhouse Family that didn't cost a penny !

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  1. Love the ships, regularly see them in Liverpool Docks and saw some great pirate ships at Whitby. Feel like listening to sea shanty music now.

    1. what shall we do with the drunken sailor ... :)

  2. One of my most amazing memories was going to watch the tall ships sail out of Liverpool one year. The ships were fantastic !! x

  3. They look so grown up! So happy to have news from you. Take care! xxx
