Friday 12 July 2013

Madhouse Salad recipe : Olive, Cheese & Couscous salad

This began as just a way of using up the leftover couscous after our Quick Meatball Couscous but it actually worked so well that I'd make it again !

Olive, Cheese & Couscous salad

ingredients :

several crisp lettuce leaves
1/4 cucumber
a handful of olives
a few tablespoonfuls of cold leftover couscous with red peppers and onions
a slice of smoked ham
some cubes of Gouda with cumin seeds
a drizzle of Wagamama spicy chilli, coriander & ginger dressing (which I reviewed here but you could make your own)
a handful of Fresh Gourmet croutons of your choice (Cheese & Garlic ones for me please !)

Preparation :

Roughly shred the lettuce with your hands and arrange on a plate. 

Scatter over slices of cucumber, roughly chopped pieces of ham, cubes of cheese and olives.

Place a little pile of cold couscous in the middle of the plate and drizzle the whole thing with spicy dressing.

Finish off with a generous sprinkling of crunchy croutons at the last minute.

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