Sunday 14 July 2013

Didicar Walk n Ride review

We have all - yes all, even the grown-ups ! - been having great fun with the Original Didicar, but they also kindly sent us through one of their Walk n Rides, which are aimed at younger children aged 1-3 years old. Pierre will be 4 next week (waahhh where has my baby gone ?!) so he is at the upper age limit but he's still been having great fun riding it around ever since it arrived.

The official blurb explains : "Unlike traditional baby walkers where you hang in a chair or ‘L’ shaped trolleys with fixed wheels, the Didicar Walk ‘n Ride allows your toddler to stand freely in front to toddle around. This independence at an early age stimulates space awareness and builds self confidence." Pierre is beyond this stage but I can see that the handlebars are ideal for wobbly toddlers to grab hold of for support. The freewheeling casters mean that your toddler can hold on and walk along pushing it backwards as a babywalker.

When they're slightly older, they can straddle it and waddle along using it for support learning to walk and when they're even more mobile, as Pierre demonstrates, it can be used as a lightweight, easily manoueverable ride on toy. It only weighs one and a half kilos so if you take it out with you on a walk, you won't end up with arm ache when your toddler gives up walking/riding with it and wants to be carried !

The fact that the wheels turn 360° means that Pierre can go whizzing around the dining room table quite fast taking some tight corners, which leads to much giggling, but it's good for use both indoors and outdoors. Just like the Original Didicar, you also get a sticker sheet enabling you to customise your Walk 'n Ride, and it comes in a choice of colours - green, blue, pink and purple.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £34.95

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

Other reviews you may be interested in :

The Original Didicar review

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