Friday 5 July 2013

Giveaway #300 : Win 3 copies of My School Day - closed - winners Amanda Louise Milton, Tammy Tudor & Louise Fairweather

Children will love to meet Spencer the roller-skating owl, Lydia the shy ladybird, Zippy the squirrel and their other Schoolies friends in this series that will help them learn concepts from ABC to 123, healthy eating to making friends

New for June 2013

From waking up to favourite lessons, the bus ride home to bedtime, kids will love spending a day with the Schoolies!

This brilliant, bright book is packed full of fun activities with lots to look for and do

Includes a clock with moveable hands, so that young readers can turn the hands to the right time as the Schoolies enjoy their day

I've just reviewed some of the Schoolies books and we thought they were great. They're fun, educational and perfect for reassuring young children who are just getting ready to go to school for the first time - although Juliette is 8 and she's still been really enjoying them !

Priddy Books have kindly offered three copies of My School Day for lucky Madhouse Family Reviews readers. Just fill in your details in the Rafflecopter widget below for your chance to win.

UK only. Closing date : 19/7/13

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook, twitter and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after a week, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners.


  1. On the first day at secondary school my class was asked to raw how we see our first day or school

  2. commended What's Cooking at The Madhouse next week ? menu plan 5/7

  3. getting a rubber stuck up my nose when i was at primary school

  4. I remember my own first day at school! After getting my coat on for morning break, I ran straight out the school gate with the teachers chasing me!v I thought it was home time!

  5. Priddy Books The Schoolies Collection review - commented

  6. I can't remember my first day at school. I remember my daughter's though - taking pictures and crying (me that is)!

  7. Left a comment on 'Amoy Chinese Barbecue Sticky Glaze review'.

  8. i remember it was me crying & not my son when i left him there lol

  9. i cried to! my son looked tiny in his uniform! He skipped in to class i didn't even wave at me!

  10. my daughter wasn't bothered she just went into the class without a backward glance, it was me that cried

  11. commented on Priddy Books The Schoolies Collection review

  12. our Daughter was worried about starting school as she said that she didn't know anything! So I told her that she knew lots of things, as an aside I said to her "I bet your teacher can't name all the Beatles, you have for years". On the first day at school, I am talking to the teacher when my Daughter pipes up with "is it now I have to tell the teacher who is in the Beatles?" the teacher looked very surprised. Evidently my Daughter thought that naming the Beatles was an entrance test!

  13. Can't recollect my own first day at school, as it was sooooo long ago, but on Sash's first day at school I was a nervous wreck, I was worried so much.

  14. I remember a blackboard fell on my head :(

  15. I remember my sons first day he was quite shy but then excited

    anna m

  16. On my son's first day of preschool he made a stuffed eggplant from construction paper-loved it!

  17. me being more excited about the day than my daughter was :-)

  18. I left comment on Celebrating the start of the summer with Pom Wonderful Cocktails !

  19. The cute school photo beforehand! love her little school uniform, so cute

  20. I had a little wicker basket with my apple in, I remember putting it on my peg which also had a picture of a big red rosy apple.

  21. It was so long ago now, I do remember getting a small bottle of milk though.

  22. I remember being so scared and waiting with all these new little children and I was crying because I had to leave my mummy! :D

  23. on my sons first day of school he left me at the gate, took two steps forward, and fell over his own feet!

  24. I can remember my first day at secondary school and being shocked at how long my tie had to be!

  25. I remember my first day at school as not being able to speak any English or understand any English!

  26. I remember my son's first day, lots of tears

  27. The Three Thing's I Remember Are Crying,Screaming And More Crying!!!

  28. My own first day at school, I just remember crying and crying

  29. dont remember my own but i do remember my eldest sons first day. he'd looked adorable in his uniform with a mohawk!

  30. commented on meatballs couscous

  31. Son had a nice teacher and made a friend on his first day, so he was happy.

  32. she was so excited and couldn't wait to go back again

  33. Don't remember it but I thought if I just went once and tried it mum would then let me stay at home !

  34. I can't remember how it went, but I do remember feeling awfully lost and alone after taking my youngest for his first day at school. He's my son AND my best friend, so I missed him awfully.

  35. the first day for me was hard the fact he went off and didnt even look back took me by surprise

  36. I remember that I wouldn't let go of my mum & screamed when she left!

  37. Just her proud little face!


  38. I have commented on What's Cooking at The Madhouse next week ? menu plan 12/7

  39. My son's first day was awful,he cried and begged me to take him back home :(

  40. He went in with his best friend without a backwards glance.

  41. I remember holding hands with my twin sister while we waited outside the classroom.

  42. We home educate so haven't had thst experience with the youngest 3 :) My eldest went to school for a year and on his first day he skipped happily off while I cried!

  43. I remember my daughters first day of school she went in all happy but shy and I stood outside the tears rolling down my face xx

  44. My daughter was excited on her first day of kindergarten, it was easier for her than for me!

  45. I've commented on Nat the Cat.

  46. How excited she was to finally be going to school to be around other children. I was excited for her but missed her during the day.

  47. I had a high temperature! ;o

  48. i went to school on my birthday

  49. i cried couldnt hold the tears in i looked a right plonker

  50. Jane C English17 July 2013 at 21:39

    I remember my daughters first day at college, they where paired up with another class mate, & had to say things about themselves.
    The girl couldn't remember Melissa-Jane's name, but said it was M.J. She is now called by her friends Emjay, but the funny part was she told this girl she had won five World records at Flight Archery over the summer actually on her 18th Birthday, but the girl laughed when she told this fact & no one believed her, she just took them all to the nearest computer & showed them!

  51. Jane C English17 July 2013 at 21:42

    I've commented on Pierre's Birthday Cake.

  52. I nearly got expelled on my first day for biting the teacher :( She wouldn't let me have my biscuit when I wanted it !

  53. I remember on my first day at infant school,my mum took me into the class room,the first thing my new teacher said to me,was you must be Mandy,and I said my name is not Mandy,it's Amanda!!haha.She never called me Mandy again

  54. Commented on the Cadbury Crunchums Review

  55. I remember waving my Mum off and my Mum crying!!

  56. I remember meeting a really good friend, she was my best friend for the 5 of my primary school years.

  57. Darlene Ovenstone18 July 2013 at 09:35

    I remember my first day very well, a bird pooed on me on my way in LOL :D

  58. I remember meeting the girl who was to become my best friend in the whole world :)

  59. I remember my sons first day at school, he ran off to see his new class mates while I cried and was generally an emotional mess!! haha!!

  60. What I remember most of my daughters first day of school is collecting her with a slip regarding bumping her head at school and then seeing her little face with a big lump above her eye...poor little thing!!

  61. i remember my son being so excited ,after id left him there i burst into tears lol

  62. my son loved his first day at school. i think the parent are always more anxious than the children!

  63. I have a video of her walking to school. She looked all grown up, with her uniform on, and she was all excited and nervous and doing really well with coping with the new setup :)

  64. My first day at High School the only thing I was nervous about was getting a seat on the school bus!...Helen booth

  65. claire thomson little19 July 2013 at 00:53

    My son was super happy and smiley at the start of the day and by the end never wanted to return

  66. My daughter's first day was very exciting

  67. I remember being scared and excited all at the same time

  68. He went in Happy as anything whilst I went home & cried till I could pick him up again!

  69. i remember a happy little boy egar to get to big school! i was the one crying lol, high school for him next and big school for my middle boy where does the time go??? Tears to be shed by me again me thinks!!!!

  70. Just gow tiny he he's starting junior school and his youngest brother aka the baby will be starting nursery next september..ive blinked and 7 years have passed!

  71. I Cried on my Sons first day at primary school, he is one of the youngest and was only just 4 he seemed too little!

  72. Tracyann Higgs19 July 2013 at 21:25

    I remember my first day at school. My mum and nan took me, and my nan cried!

  73. Tracyann Higgs19 July 2013 at 22:12

    I also commented on Where in the World is Jenny Woodenmum xx

  74. I can remember picking my coat peg on my first day and it was what was left as I let all the other children rush in, it was a drum.
