Tuesday 9 July 2013

Summer holiday diaries : Having a lark in the park

The Madhouse kids have been asking me to keep a diary of everything we get up to during the holidays. We're only at home for three weeks before jetting off to Morocco for a fortnight, then Brittany to see the inlaws for four days and finally Hastings for a few days to see the UK grandparents. Phew ! We have a busy schedule of fun, fun and more fun planned to fill up our time at home. I did think about resurrecting the original Welcome Back to the Madhouse family blog, but decided to share our adventures here with you all instead.

So, the first day of the holidays started off with another first - Pierre had a go on his first ever real bike. This used to be Juliette's but she's outgrown it now so Madhouse Daddy put the stabilisers back on over the weekend and Pierre was off, looking incredibly proud ! The only problem is, his hands aren't big enough to hold the handlebars and the brakes at the same time so when he wants to stop, he has to let go of the handlebars to use the brake - slightly dangerous !

In the afternoon, poor old Madhouse Daddy, who is the only one still at work, had to drive to a local town for his afternoon's work so he offered to drop us off at a big park on the way then pick us up on the way home. Bonus adventure !

All three of the Mini testers let off some steam in the adventure playground.

Who's that over here then?

Some very friendly and very hungry goats - but aren't goats always hungry ?!

I can never understand why they will come and eat grass out of your hand when they have tons of the stuff on their side of the fence but never mind - it made Pierre's day !

Now when I was a kid, I always used to take the mickey out of my dad (or Madhouse Grandad as he is now known on the blog) because he used to draw square cows. So I fell on the floor laughing when I saw this humpbacked cow. It looks just like the ones he used to draw !

Pierre had great fun in the sandpit, poking his toes into the sand and laying down waving his arms and legs to make sandangels !

Meanwhile the girls had a fabulous time monkeying around on the rope swing roundabout.

Time to beat the heat and find some activities in the shade. There's an old fashioned toy museum just next to the park and they'd dragged out some toys for the kids to play with. The girls played Swingball (even if we have one at home !).

I loved the old fashioned wooden scooters. Juliette and Pierre had a go but the cobblestones were a bit too bumpy !

Juliette found some old fashioned wooden stilts.

Sophie may look very impressive but she's actually cheating and using the wall to hold her up !

All our days out seem to end like this !

They perked up in the car on the way home though so they were allowed to have a water fight outside while I ran them a bath. Phew, all that and it's only the first day ! 

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Close Encounters with Orchids and Butterflies


  1. Looks like you had a fantastic day!! What a great park x

  2. Lovely photos! Pierre looks so grown up now. LOL @ the last image, I wish I could do just that too

    1. I can't believe he'll be four in exactly one week !

  3. What a wonderful park, looks like a great day
