Sunday 7 July 2013

This week's veg box 7/7

A very green box today ! Three different sorts of salad - I must admit, I always think of lettuce as lettuce so it'll be interesting to see if there's much difference between them.

Some baby grenaille potatoes which are perfect for potato salad and something we've never tried before - Romanesca broccoli. Which I'm assuming you use the same as normal broccoli?

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Fruit & veg box 30/6


  1. wow id love to get veg boxes something ive never seen near to me! x look great!

  2. I think I cooked Romanesco once, maybe last year, but don't remember if I have it anywhere on my blog. I take zillions of photos and then never have a chance of blogging and forget how exactly I cooked it.
    It was nice, maybe more nutty than the usual cauli. I think I might have used Nigella's recipe? scratching my head now

  3. Where do your veg boxes come from? I keep thinking I should get one but never get round to it. Do you find you use everything that comes, or are there things you leave because you don't know what to do with them, and then they go off?

    1. There wasn't a local veg box scheme so I just chatted up one of the stallholders at the local farmers market to sort one out for me. He asks me if there's anything specific I want, if not just throws things together in a box. I love the fact that it forces me out of my comfort zone and introduces us to different veg I wouldn't have tried otherwise :)
