Monday 1 July 2013

Water-themed fun and games

This weekend, Dunkirk was the starting point for the round France sailing race so we headed down to check out all the activities they had put on for the kids. Pierre and Juliette had fun sailing mini yachts in a big paddling pool.

Juliette has been reading the series of Sam Silver pirate books so she was very impressed to see what she called "a real pirate" climbing up the mast !

The Disney Junior tent was very popular because they could colour a picture and have it made into a badge, pocket mirror or magnet, then came out excitedly clutching a free magazine !

On to some green-themed activities. All of the things on this huge crafting table are rubbish that has been collected on the beach.

They asked the kids to string up whichever items took their fancy to create big mobiles which will be put on show at the Museum of the Environment.

This really appealed to the kids and would be a great activity to do by ourselves in the holidays, maybe with pretty things like shells, seaweed and driftwood.

Juliette had a go on the pedalo-boats but Pierre was gutted to learn that it was a minimum age of 6 this time so he was too young.

Time for a quick game of Swingball !

Phew - after all that, they needed a quick lay down on the wall next to the bus stop !

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

The National Trust's 50 things to do before you're 11 ¾

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