Friday 5 July 2013

What's Cooking at The Madhouse next week ? menu plan 5/7

That's it ! School's out for the summer ! So the menu plan will probably go by the wayside when we opt for an impromptu day out or ten but it's still good to have it there as a standby. Time to start planning lunches and evening meals again so I fancy looking through some of my recipe books for inspiration. I also need to use up some of the jars and sachets of seasoning and sauce that have begun to fill up my cupboards again.


lunch - crunchy cornflake coated pan-fried cod with Actifry chips and peas

dinner - Madhouse Daddy soup, hopefully. French onion soup with toasted cheesy croutons or the normal vegetable.


lunch - traditional Sunday roast or barbecue, depending on the weather 

dinner - just a sandwich or some of Madhouse Daddy's soup


lunch - Mediterranean chicken (with courgettes, cherry tomatoes and red peppers) and rice

dinner - Bengali coconut prawn stir fry with noodles


lunch - homemade lasagne or I might have a go at making ravioli, maybe stuffed with something exciting like spinach and parmesan or goats cheese and pear. I may try making some cheesy garlic bread to go with it, if I have time.

dinner - fruity pork biryani (with dried apricots, raisins and coconut, and maybe some cashews for a little extra crunch)


dinner - stuffed courgettes


lunch - honey mustard pork chops, slow cooked red cabbage (which I have ready cooked in the freezer) and garlic & herb wedges

dinner - Spanish omelette (with potato, bacon, mushrooms, onions and cheese)


lunch - lemon peppered steak with mushroom and onion risotto

dinner - I never got round to making Fougasse bread, with olives, bacon and parmesan so I'll try to fit it in this week. Served with salad and tomatoes

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***


  1. wow, yummy picture from Wednesday)

  2. I love the look of that pesto pasta, may have to try it

  3. Nom nom, invite me over any day!
