Saturday 24 August 2013

ASDA School Uniform review

Buying school uniform before the kids go back to school is a necessary evil, so I was really pleased when ASDA asked if we'd like to try out some of their range of Back to School products, including school uniform and stationery. Unfortunately, when I asked the Madhouse Mini-testers if they'd put school uniform on for me to take the photos, they groaned and said they didn't want to think about going back to school yet ! (We had admittedly just got back from a fab fortnight in Morocco and school was the last thing on their minds !)

I'll try to get some photos of the uniform being worn over the weekend to add to the post, but in the meantime, here are the fab bargains that we were sent through. I was amazed to see that they have a range of trousers, skirts and jumpers starting at just £3. (Update - As you can see, I won - I managed to convince them to try them on in the end !)

Black Girls School Senior Stretch Skinny Leg Trousers - £7

Pinafore Dress for Juliette - £6 

Some football shorts for Pierre - 2 pack for £6

Black Canvas Trainers (up to a whopping size 9 so great news for Bigfoot Sophie !) - £6
Gorgeous Patent Embossed Star Shoes for Juliette - £11
Boys school trainers - £5

Juliette loves both the dress and the shoes (especially the shoes - shiny and stars, what little girl wouldn't?!)

Pierre loved his shorts and trainers too.

I was very impressed with the quality of the items for such low prices. When you have several school age children to kit out, this is a real bonus and at those prices, you don't have to worry about clothes getting lost or worn out during the year and needing to be replaced.

They also sent through some back to school essentials which you can never have enough of. ASDA currently have a 2 for £3 deal on a range of products, including lunchboxes, felt pens, glue sticks, pencil cases and other stationery. You can see the products in this promotion here.

If you don't fancy traipsing around the shops with a stroppy teen or pre-teen who really doesn't want to waste their last bit of summer holiday looking at school uniform, you can also buy it all online -,default,sc.html - there's free delivery when you spend £20 on schoolwear with the code SCHOOL06.

Disclosure : We received the products in order to write an honest review.

Other reviews you may be interested in :

Skribbies Customisable Footwear review


  1. Some great buys there! It's just a shame most my childrens uniform has to be bought from school, with the logo on. I've just spent £150 setting my son up for high school and that's without even buying shoes, bags, pens or trainers (think I'll be going to Asda for those).

    1. wow, that's a huge amount to have to come up with, especially just after the summer holidays, which always cost a fortune too !

  2. wow cute pencil case! I think back to sch is featuring heavily this week.. Boo for the teachers among us!!!

  3. ASDA is such good value. On white school shirts I've found the buttons are sometimes hard to fasten, which slows the kids down quite a bit!
