Saturday 7 September 2013

Moroccan holiday diaries : Juliette learns to swim !

I decided I was going into overkill with the holiday snaps when we got back so I moved on to other things, but now that we're all back to school and work, we've just been having a lovely trip down memory lane, looking at the pictures of Morocco. Which reminded me that I had a few half-finished blogposts in my drafts folder with memories and recipes from Morocco to share with you. 

The first was a huge milestone.

 Juliette decided that she wanted to ditch the armbands and learn to swim properly. She had some swimming lessons at school last year but they seemed to defy all logic to me. The ones who couldn't swim very well (including Juliette) were sent to the shallow end to play. The ones who could swim were given lessons to improve their technique. Hmmm.

After a pep talk from Madhouse Daddy - who Juliette decided to call Daddy Coach like in Peppa Pig ! - she was off !

I was watching from the sidelines and could see how serious she looked !

And also snapped her beaming smile after she completed her first width minus the armbands! Within a couple of days, she was swimming right across the pool, doing widths and lengths, going out of her depth without a care in the world!

She also seemed to develop a passion for doing underwater handstands !

Time for one more snap then it was my turn to get in and test the water ! 

*sigh* It all seems so long ago already ! 

Other blogposts you may be interested in :


  1. Aww bless, beautiful smiles from all of you. Love Juilette's beaming grin and the last photo of you three is gorgeous too. Sophie is very poised and lady-like. And Daddy coach looks very hunky. ;)

    1. LOL I will be sure to pass on your comments !! ;-)
