Friday 6 September 2013

Quark #SummerDelights Blogger Challenge part 2 : Tropical Frozen Hearts

Well, I gave you a bit of a teaser yesterday when I shared my recipe for Pina Quarkada and said that my part 2 recipe was in the freezer. It actually turned out way better than I expected and I will DEFINITELY be making this again, as well as experimenting with other flavour combinations.

Tropical Frozen Hearts

ingredients :

1 banana
1/3 tub of Quark
a sprinkle of icing sugar
a good handful of dessicated coconut

Mash the banana in a bowl and mix in the Quark. Add the coconut and icing sugar and stir to combine.

Use the mixture to fill an ice cube tray - shaped ice cubes will look much prettier.

Place in the freezer overnight and press out just before eating. Eat quickly with your fingers before they melt.

These were a huge hit and were so simple to make. The Madhouse Mini-testers couldn't decide if they were more like chocolates or ice cream but were in no doubt about the fact that they loved them !

Bonus dessert - This ended up being a 2-in-1 recipe. Once the ice cube tray has been filled, place the leftover banana/Quark mixture in ramekins and top with chocolate sprinkles. (We used chocolate biscuit balls.) Chill in the fridge before eating, if you have time.

Disclosure : This is an entry for the Quark #SummerDelights Blogger Challenge. I received some Quark and cooking utensils in order to take part in the challenge.

Link up your recipe of the week

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  1. Wow, what an incredibly easy recipe, and so healthy too! I bet it tasted deliciously sweet with the bananas.

    Nipping over from 'Recipe Of The Week'.

    1. *waves* They were really sweet - almost like white chocolate but that's probably purely psychological because it's what they look like !

  2. Oooooh, clever! I still have yet to try cooking with quark. Love how creative you've been with it.

    Thanks for linking up to #recipeoftheweek. Pinned and Stumbled. There's a new linky live now if you want to join in :) x
