Sunday 1 September 2013

Sunday weigh-in : I took the summer off !

My last weigh-in was on 21st July and I'd just put a kilo back on after two meals out and Pierre's birthday cake, weighing in at 78.8kg.

Then I made a conscious decision to take the summer off, not worry about my weight, not weigh in at all (as I wouldn't be able to anyway) and deal with the damage when I got back. Since then I've had two weeks all-inclusive in Morocco (trying out the local cuisine, as you have seen from all my Moroccan recipe posts, enjoying the free cocktails and the daily cooked breakfasts !), followed by a week in Brittany (three big family meals, a meal in a crêperie plus daily apéritifs with the in laws with crisps, nuts, olives and chorizo a-go-go) and then topped off with a week in England (catching up with all the things I can't get in France like fish & chips, KFC, pork pies and trifle). Do I have any regrets? Not one ! Life is for living !

So, today I jumped on the scales and they said 81.1kg - a gain of 2.3kg. I was expecting a lot worse to be honest. However, I've swapped over to my funky Ozeri scales, which give me a lot more info such as percentage of body fat, hydration, muscle and bone mass. They also add an extra 1.8kg to my weight, so I've adjusted my start weight and target to reflect this.

Positives of the summer

- Putting on 2kg with everything I've been eating all summer is not bad at all. I'm back with a positive mindset, raring to go to get back into weightloss mode !

Current targets 

Last weigh-in's target was : Enjoy the summer (DONE !)

This week's targets : Fill the fridge/fruit bowl up with lots of fruit & veg. Try to schedule in some exercise time when I get this year's school timetable. A loss - 1kg would be nice.

Longer-term targets : Get back to the 70-somethings. Get my badges back to "weight lost" being more than "left to lose" (they were on 29lb lost/28lb left to lose just before the summer so let's aim to get back there.)

START WEIGHT : 91.9kg (or 93.7kg on new scales)
TARGET WEIGHT : 66kg (or 67.8kg on new scales)
WEIGHT LAST WEEK  : 78.8kg (80.6kg on new scales)
WEIGHT TODAY : 82.9kg (81.1kg on old scales)
STILL TO GO : 15.1kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to our weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement :) 

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. That's not bad at all, Cheryl, and as you say, life is for living, why would you want to count the calories while on holidays. Now that the school starts, and you're back home, you can go back to lighter meals and I am sure you will soon lose those gained pounds and get slimmer

    1. Thanks Galina, and it's true what you say about getting back into routine and eating more sensibly.

  2. Sounds like you've had a lovely summer, and you can't come back to England without having fish and chips. The rest will have done you good. Over the whole summer 2 kg is nothing, good luck for next week.

    1. I was expecting worse, to be honest. Hope your post-summer weigh in wasn't too bad xx

  3. Good to see you back Cheryl :) xx

  4. That's not bad at all! And some amazing memories which are far more important! Good Luck!

    1. That's what I decided :) Now time to get the numbers going the right way again !

  5. You have eaten some lovely things. I think you were one of the people who made me feel it was OK to slack a bit over the Summer. Both of us have proved it is possible to change the mindset and get back on track. Well done you!

    1. Go us !! lol. 7hippopotamus has laid down the gauntlet to lose a stone by Christmas - ready ?! :)

  6. You have eaten some lovely things. I think you were one of the people who made me feel it was OK to slack a bit over the Summer. Both of us have proved it is possible to change the mindset and get back on track. Well done you!
