Sunday 1 September 2013

This week's fruit & veg box 1/9

You may have seen on this week's weigh-in post, my mission for the week was to fill the fridge up with healthy stuff and restock the fruit bowl. One of the lovely things about our house is that we have a huge market just opposite our house every Sunday so I made a double trip, as we were totally out of everything after our extended holiday.

Our fruit bowl went from empty to overflowing, much to Pierre's delight. (He's after the grapes !) We have a pineapple, apples, bananas, nectarines, peaches, melons, pears, grapes ... who needs chocolate and biccies when I get the munchies? (That's the idea anyway !)

On to the fridge ! Lettuce, leeks, red and green pepper, courgettes, aubergine, a whole box of cherry tomatoes ...

carrots, baby grenaille potatoes, a cauliflower, a white cabbage, broccoli, red shallots, onions, sweet peppers, a cucumber ...

I can't fit it all in the fridge now though ! I have lots of new recipes to try out this week which should use this lovely selection up. I'll give you a recap next week to show you how we used it all.

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Recipe : Black Cherry Crisp

#Vegboxchallenge week 7