Tuesday 24 December 2013

December has been an amazing month for wins !

Inspired by all the manic tweeting and Facebook-sharing of advent competitions and 12 Days of Christmas giveaways on my timelines, not to mention having some extra time at home looking after the kids when they were sick, I decided to have a go at entering some competitions this month. I didn't have the stamina to work through the humungous lists of advent competitions but I did discover twitaculous, which makes entering twitter competitions an absolute breeze. I was astounded when the wins started rolling in !

I received a lovely box of Maltesers from @apcsolutionsuk on twitter. They wanted a festive joke so I made one up. What did Santa say when he dropped his phone down the toilet? Ho ho ho dear !

Next was a hamper from Cico Books containing two books - Christmas Crafts and Christmas Cupcakes & Cookies.

There was also a lovely tin of festive notecards.

I won some (kids' and adults') aprons and wooden spoons from @CanIEatIt ...

... along with absolutely oodles of porridge oats ! As well as porridge, I'll have to make lots of flapjacks and see what else I can come up with !

Something rather special for Madhouse Daddy - a watch worth over £150 from James McCabe Watches (@mccabewatches on twitter).

I won a onesie from Yellow Mellon on Facebook so I let Sophie choose - she went for this wolf one !

And I also won a pair of shoes from Hotter - I decided to treat Sophie again so she chose these lovely snuggly Cannes boots.

I'm also awaiting a £15 M&S voucher and a box of Walkers crisps from other wins, plus I've just received £100 credit for boohoo.com for taking part in their Yourvine challenge (which you may have seen if you follow me on Facebook). Ooh and another one's just come in - a selection of cakes !

Maybe I should set some time aside each week to enter a few giveaways - or maybe I was just exceptionally lucky this month ! Have you had any luck with all the Christmas giveaways?

You may also like to enter my giveaways :


  1. Ohh wow!! Well done you!
    Twitaculous is amazing! I love it! Have you tried TwitNinja....Very similar but sometimes has comps not on twitaculous :) x
    Merry Christmas! xx

    1. I started out with Twitninja but it seems to take longer to enter than Twitaculous

  2. There is a similar app for Facebook competitions - it likes/shares and comments on competition posts for you. It's called Compers Haven and is run by the same people who do Twitaculous I think. I have tried it and it seems okay. Well done on your haul of goodies. I like to enter competitions but haven't been very consistent this year. It's a great hobby, I won quite a few stocking fillers for family and friends over the course of the year as well as some lovely treats for myself. Plus I get to hear about new fantastic products and companies I otherwise wouldn't have heard of :)

    1. Twitaculous has been down for the past few days (it said account suspended) but I'm glad to see they're back :)

  3. Some amazing wins there, very well done! Those boots are lovely.
