Friday 31 January 2014

What's cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 31/1/14

I seem to have an increasingly large collection of cooking sauces and sachets in my cupboards so I'm going all out to use up at least a few of them this week !

lunch - Herbes de Provence marinated chicken thighs with Dauphinoise Potato Bake & ratatouille

dinner - homemade soup and toast for the grown-ups, homemade chicken nuggets with pasta for the kids


lunch - traditional roast dinner of some description - if it's chicken, I have a 2 in 1 Garlic & Thyme Roast Chicken seasoning mix with Crispy Roast Potatoes topping
 which might be nice but there seems to be a lot of chicken on the menu already !
dinner - leftover soup or porridge if anyone's hungry

dinner - Tuscan Sausage oven bake with Steamed Potatoes with Herbs & Bacon seasoning

dinner - Mediterranean Chicken Pasta with Crispy Crumb Topping


lunch - Nasi Goreng (with king prawns, veggies and rice and maybe leftover chicken if there is any)

dinner - Beef & Ale Stew in the slow cooker

dinner - Apple & Sage Pork with Mediterranean Vegetables
dinner - Chicken & Bacon Pasta Bake (if needed - but I wouldn't be surprised if the fridge is bursting with leftovers by now !)

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !

Other blogposts you may be interested in :


  1. I find I lean more towards chicken and pasta based dishes, I have no idea why, maybe it's because they are quick and easy to make, but with all the inspiration I've seen via the #mealplanningmonday linky, I'm sure I can get out of that rut soon x

  2. The Nasi Goreng sounds lovely, its not something that I've ever had but I love king prawns! #mealplanningmonday

  3. The Tuscan Sausage Oven Bake sounds intriguing :) xx

    1. I can take no credit - it was using a seasoning sachet ! Blogpost coming up later - it was just like sausage and bean casserole in the slow cooker really !

  4. Everything sounds delicious!! Especially Apple & Sage Pork with Mediterranean Vegetables :D
