Monday 24 February 2014

Madhouse diaries : Nature walk to spot the signs of spring

Today was the first day of the school holidays and it was also the first day for absolutely ages with a lovely blue sky so, despite the final vestiges of the flu hanging about, we decided to head out for a nature walk and look out for some signs of spring. 

I was actually very impressed that this low-lying field wasn't totally waterlogged or even flooded. You may remember seeing this totally covered in daisies last summer in this blogpost.

Pierre and Juliette went running up and down the bank several times - where do kids get their energy from ?!

Just around the corner, we found our first sign of spring - catkins. Yay !

 Then we spotted some big birds' nests in the trees. They looked huge so I don't know what kind of bird made them.

Everything seems to have burst into life since the last time we came down here. I couldn't work out if these started off as sticky buds or pussy willow, but we brought a couple of twigs home and put them in water to see if we can make the leaves grow from the buds.

We spotted one tiny ladybird which I failed to get a photo of before it disappeared into the undergrowth then another tiny dot of colour in the greenery. We also spotted one very sleepy (and totally black) bumble bee crawling along the ground.

We headed down a muddy path and splashed through a few puddles.

Then played Pooh Sticks for a while.

We'd remembered to bring some bread with us so we went to feed the ducks, who were very hungry for once.

I had a giggle at the moorhen because I remembered Madhouse Grandad telling me it was a mongoose when I was small so I went to school and told my teacher I'd been feeding a mongoose at the park !

Then we walked all the way home and looked at the spring flowers daring to poke their heads out of the earth - we spotted some naricssus, crocuses and snowdrops.

Phew, I think we might need a lazy day tomorrow to recover !

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Madhouse Diaries : School Mardi Gras Carnival


  1. oooh we have not seen many spring flowers yet, will have to go and investigate at the weekend

    1. There are definitely more and more crocuses and daffodils coming up now :)

  2. It sounds like you all had a great time admiring natures treasures and getting some great exercise. Spring is definitely on the way and here's to more sunshine and time spent outdoors. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. I think (fingers crossed) we've turned a corner with the weather at last :)
