Monday 3 February 2014

Kids' DVD review : Justin & The Knights of Valour

Today sees the release of Justin & The Knights of Valour on DVD, Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D and we were excited to receive a preview copy. I'll be honest - I'd seen this film being absolutely slated in a few reviews so I came to it with pretty low expectations but I was pleasantly surprised. It won't win any Oscars but it is a fun, entertaining film that the whole Madhouse family enjoyed watching on a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon.

The Justin of the title is a young would-be knight, who dreams of following in his grandfather's footsteps and becoming one of the famed Knights of Valour, but knights have been outlawed in the kingdom, in favour of bureaucratic lawyers. Despite his father wanting him to settle down to a life without adventure, Justin - inspired by his grandmother - decides to follow his heart and embarks upon a daring quest to become a knight by himself.

Along the way he meets a host of entertaining characters including the beautiful and feisty Talia, a quirky wizard called Melquiades, a very serious monk and the handsome Sir Clorex, who teach and test him in the ancient ways of the Knights of Valour. Justin’s newfound skills are called upon all too soon when a banished knight returns to the kingdom and threatens to destroy it. Justin really isn't cut out for being a knight, but this film is all about following your dreams and persevering, great life lessons for little viewers to take on.

The film has an all-star cast with the likes of Antonio Banderas, Freddie Highmore, Charles Dance,  Rupert Everett, Julie Walters, Tamsin Egerton, Alfred Molina and David Walliams. It has some lovely silly moments that made us all laugh and the Madhouse Mini-testers thought that it was a bit like a cross between Mike the Knight and Shrek !

If it sounds like your kind of film, don't go away - I have a giveaway coming right up !


Release date: 3rd February 2014
Cert:               PG
RRP:               £17.99 (DVD) / £19.99 (Blu-ray)


Making Of
Making Of Animation
Making for Sound Design 
Production In Progress
Deleted Scenes
Cast And Crew Interviews

Disclosure : We received a preview copy of the film in order to write an honest review.

Other reviews you may be interested in :

DVD review : Last Passenger

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