Sunday 2 February 2014

Sunday Weigh-in : Why weight?!

Well, here we are into February - where is the time going?! Turning over the calendar to a new month opens up a new blank page - anything that didn't go to plan last month is behind us and it's time to move on and look forwards. As you can see, seven days in, the positivity part of the SlimPod/FitPod is obviously working already !

It actually made me laugh last week - I bought a FitPod for a Fiver, mooched around on the Thinking Slimmer website for a bit and suddenly decided to go and spend my amazon vouchers on a Wii Fit - before I'd even listened to the FitPod ! It hasn't arrived yet - I'll be getting it next weekend - but I'm really looking forward to having a play with it.

So, on to this week's weigh-in. As my play-on-words in the title suggests, I've remembered (thanks to going back to Thinking Slimmer basics) that your weight isn't the best gauge of how you're doing and that we should focus on inch-loss or how your clothes fit instead. I'll still be using weight as a handy guide (because I like my badges and ticker !) but I'll be looking for other positive signs on the weeks that the numbers don't go the way I want them to !

This week for example - I've only lost 400g but I amazed myself by fitting into my bright blue target jeans. Admittedly, they're a bit tight but wearing them to work was a big morale boost !

I'll finish with some words of wisdom from Sandra at Thinking Slimmer -  “Attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference”. That is definitely so true. Don't forget to link up below - I love hearing how you've been getting on.

Positives of the week

- I challenged myself to go for a gentle jog once a week. And I did it ! I told the kids to grab their coats and went to the big car park opposite the house with them, playing "the toilet game" (it's like stuck in the mud but when you're tagged, you have to crouch down with your arm in the air pretending to be a toilet and someone has to come and "flush" your arm to release you ! Don't blame me, it came from Sharky & George's Don't You Dare book !) then we went running around the edge of the car park playing follow my leader. Maybe not standard jogging techniques but it's all exercise !

- I ate chocolate almost every day this week. From the same bar ! Never has one individual Aero lasted so long ! It's not about going without, it's all about being reasonable.

- Every time I see my blue target jeans, I smile !

Current targets 

Last week's target was :   Listen to the SlimPod, listen to the Fitpod and just belive - couldn't be simpler ! Oh and go for a gentle jog at least once. :) (DONE !)

This week's targets : Keep up with the SlimPod/FitPod. Get in at least one jog again. Into the 83's !

Short-term targets : I have two new pairs of target jeans to fit into ! First up, the bright blue ones.

Longer-term targets : Get back to the 70-somethings. Get my badges back to "weight lost" being more than "left to lose"

STILL TO GO : 16.2kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. You can even grab the linkie code and add it to your own blog if you like. :)

get the InLinkz code

Wobbles Wednesday

You might also like to join in with the #WobblesWednesday link-up over at AutismMumma

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. It seems you and I are both smiling thanks to fitting into our jeans this week! Well done!

    You'll love wii fit. I've been using mine for almost 5 years and it's great ;-)

    1. I'm really looking forward to trying it so anything that gets me excited about getting fit has to be a good thing ! You need to buy some new target jeans to fit into now !! :)

  2. Fabulous attitude! Strangely enough I'm planning to bring up inch loss rather than weight loss in my post today, you'll see why! Fantastic sensible, inspirational targets!

    Sharon xx
    Beauty, Miscellany

    1. Yay, positivity is definitely the key :) Thanks for linking up xx

  3. Sounds like things are really going in the right direction! Fabulous! I have a slimpod but I'm so bad at remembering to listen to it. I start with all good intentions then after a couple of days I just forget. My memory is awful! I should really try harder because I am a total chocoholic and cannot do chocolate in moderation!

    1. Have you got an mp3 player? I need to put mine on there and listen to it on the way to work - that's what I did before and it was so easy to get into a routine that way.

  4. The toilet game sounds like good fun. Well done on your loss and good luck for next week xx

    1. Thanks Jayne xx (PS If you want to link up any of your old posts - the pedometer review or whatever - feel free xxx)

  5. Well done on your loss this week and I'm sure your positivity will lead to another loss next week!

  6. Weight loss is never the best guide as, if you have started getting more exercise, you will be building more muscle and muscle is heavier than fat (but helps burn more calories). I always go by how my clothes fit - dropped half a dress size which is a bit inconvenient, lol, my larger clothes are loose and the next size down fits but is a bit too tight :D

    1. Keep going, you'll be down to the next size in no time ! :)

    2. Hope so, I'm going for small permanent dietary changes plus more exercise to get to my goal - which is a long way off but weight lost slowly is less likely to be put back on, at least that is what the "experts" say :D

    3. Definitely - it can be frustrating but slow but steady is definitely the most reliable way for a permanent change.

  7. Well Done on the weight loss. Wii fit is so fun you don't even realise your exercising!


  8. I love your positivity! Really makes me smile. I hope you hit your targets this week and well done on the jeans, I just want to get into ANY jeans lol xx

  9. Well done! I also have a few pairs of jeans waiting for me to fit into them. It won't be long...

    1. It's a great visual reminder to keep you motivated every time you look in the wardrobe ! :)

  10. Well done on the jeans, I feel like I have totally the wrong shape for jeans but that may change one day ;)
