Friday 21 February 2014

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 21/2/14

Well, I said last week that two of the kids were sick, then I promptly came down with the flu so I didn't do much cooking at all last week in the end. It was great for clearing out the freezer though ! I'm still not feeling great but hopefully the antibiotics will be kicking in and making me feel fighting fit soon. This is the plan anyway - we're all on the first week of our school hols so I need to plan lunches and dinners this week and next.


lunch - possibly McDonald's or possibly some pies I found in the freezer with mash & veg - I'll see how much energy I have in the morning !

dinner - I have a plateau of Chinese nibbles just begging to be eaten for the grown-ups but the kids can have toasted sandwiches


lunch -  roast chicken with roast potatoes, veg & gravy

dinner - homemade soup or porridge if anyone's hungry 


lunch - creamy spinach & salmon lasagne

dinner - curry with rice & coriander naans for the grown-ups, flatbread pizzas for the kids


lunch - Beer Doused Ham Hock with Lentils (which didn't get made last week)

dinner - Chunky Savoie Salad with Walnut vinaigrette and a carrot tarte tatin (hmm not sure about this one but I'm game !)


lunch - Chicken Thighs cooked with a shake & bake seasoning bag with veggies & rice or mash

dinner - rajos tacos (this has been on the menu plan so many times and never ends up getting made - this week I should have time !)


lunch - spring or summer rolls (they're the same thing except spring rolls are fried and summer rolls aren't)

dinner - cottage pie


lunch - risotto with pork and pear

dinner -  leftovers or soup (Pierre got a recipe at school for courgette soup with Laughing Cow cheese that he desperately wants to try, bless him !)

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !

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