Friday 28 March 2014

What's cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 28/3

Next week will need some forward planning because I have four after-school meetings so I'll be late home most days. If I manage to work out something in the slow-cooker or big meals that will leave leftovers, we should be able to work things out though without too much freezer-diving !


lunch - We haven't been to McDonald's for a couple of weeks so it may be a nice idea to go and let the kids run off some steam in the softplay. I'll have a seafood salad.

dinner - normally it's soup night but if I push that over to tomorrow, we'll have leftover soup for Monday. Maybe I'll try some Chicken Jalfrezi & rice tonight instead.


lunch -  It would be great to do a bbq, depending on the weather, but the usual Sunday roast will be the fallback plan

dinner -  homemade soup - maybe French onion for a change (I said that last week but we ended up having potato and leek), with cheesy croutons if I'm lucky


dinner - leftover soup


dinner - Italian Creamy Herb Tagliatelli with bacon, mushrooms and onions


lunch - paella

dinner - sausage and bean casserole in the slow cooker


dinner -leftovers from yesterday hopefully, if not sandwiches or pizza


dinner - meatballs and couscous with ratatouille

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !

Other blogposts you may be interested in :


  1. mmm I love paella, all that food sounds really good

  2. I love a good leftover soup, it is always so flavoursome. I just love paella! Enjoy x #mealplanningmonday

  3. Hope you managed to have your BBQ :) Your meal plan sounds very tasty x

    1. we did ! ... and the best part is, that means loads of leftovers ! :)

  4. I love leftover soup too....It always seems nicer the next day x
