Sunday 20 April 2014

Ocado pocket money toys review

Ocado recently sent us through a selection of goodies from their pocket money toys range. We were impressed with the variety of products, appealing to all ages, and also the prices. These are great as everyday boredom busters or cheap treats that won't break the bank, but they're also perfect for party bags. We received :
Alien Reusable Foil Stickers/Creepy Crawlies Reusable Stickers - 99p (buy one get one free)
Bog Eyed Bug - £3
Dinosaur Bubbles - £1
Fairy Wand and Tiara - £2.50
Finger Frightener - 75p
Finger Spy - £1
Fresh Metal 3 inch Car - £1.50
Polystyrene Glider Plane - £1
Wikki Stix Rainbox Pack - £3
Wild World Safari Figures - £4.99
Wooden Racing Car - £4

Pierre was instantly intrigued and came for a good old nosey in the box !

He loved the finger frightener - I remember these from my own childhood !

Juliette loved the bog eyed bug which feels funny when you walk it through through your hands - I think this would make a great stress toy !

Then they both disappeared and went very quiet. When I went to see what they were up to, they were reenacting the circus zoo that we'd visited with the World Safari Figures !

To help your youngsters' pocket money stretch even further, there are currently lots of 3-for-2 offers across the range, valid until the 30th April

Disclosure: We received the products in order to write an honest review.

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1 comment:

  1. I think the bog eyed bug would scare me a bit, those squishy toys feel so weird.
