Friday 2 May 2014

Nike Free 4.0 V3 Running Shoes review

You may remember a couple of months ago, I shared an article with you about how exercise can help you kick your smoking habit. As a thankyou for sharing the article, Sports Shoes kindly offered to send me through a pair of running shoes of my choice from their website. I felt a bit of a fraud because the only running I was doing was on the Wii Fit but I thought maybe getting a pair of proper running shoes would inspire me on my mission to get fit.

I opted for the Nike Free 4.0 V3 model which come in a funky pink colour. I must admit, they were a bit MORE pink than I expected from the pictures on the website where they look a darker, almost red colour, but the flashy pink has actually grown on me. Sophie took one look at them at said "wow, they're cool, TOO cool for you, you're too old". Hmmm nothing like an almost teen to cut to the chase !

I wasn't actually sure what the difference between running shoes and basic trainers was, but I think this photo says it all - the sole is extremely flexible. When I put them on my feet, I felt all bouncy (and I might have actually done a few "I'm Tiggerrrrr" bounces, to test them out !). They are incredibly comfortable right from day one (no blisters or rubbing at all) and they do somehow make me feel more energetic. We've been doing absolutely loads of geocaching over the past week (30km in total !) and I've been wearing them all the time, for walking and a bit of jogging and sprinting with the kids (to see who can get to the cache first!), on a variety of terrains from pavements and grass to sand dunes and gravel paths. They dealt with it all and I didn't have sore feet at all (just achey legs !) - the only slight problem is that the flexible sole grabs hold of bits of grit and grass that you have to pull out when you get home !

I must admit, I probably never would have bought a pair of running shoes for myself because I couldn't see what benefits they could offer above and beyond general all-purpose trainers. Having tried a pair though, I can definitely see why they're worth it, whether you're training for a marathon or just going for a much lower level of running or jogging.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £69.99

Disclosure : I received a pair of running shoes for sharing a previous article with you. I wasn't required to review them but I was so impressed, I wanted to !

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  1. Oh wow, I *love* the pink colour! They sound really good! I wonder if getting some proper trainers/running shoes would help me but I'm not sure I'm a runner!

    1. I think it's purely psychological but wearing running shoes does make me feel more energetic and springy !


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