Monday 2 June 2014

Madhouse Diaries : Farm show ... at the beach !

In the unlikely setting of the seafront, I took the Madhouse kids along to a lovely farm show yesterday.

We got up close to the animals (before learning about how they turn into food !). These little lambs kept "cuddling" their mummy sheep which was very sweet.

The piglets were totally zonked out all afternoon !

Ooh look, it's The Laughing Cow - it must be her milk used to make that cheese !

We saw some ostriches and marvelled at how big an ostrich egg is.

Then it was time for a donkey ride.

I never used to get to wear a riding hat when I was a kid and I  went on a donkey ride on Hastings beach !

I love how proud Pierre and Juliette both look !

Gee up Neddy, don't you stop
Just let your feet go clippety clop !

Time to take part in a little cookery workshop, making a layered dessert of yogurt, strawberries and cereal.

It was unanimously declared delicious and the kids have asked to mke it at home - the great thing is that they can do it all by themselves.

These little piggies were more active than their sleepyhead cousins !

Pierre had great fun driving a toy tractor round and round a real big tractor.

Time for a quick pit stop then we wandered home, discussing what they fancied for tea. (A ham sandwich ? - awww that's those little piggies we saw. Chicken ? - aww they were cute too !) They didn't turn vegetarian though, once they got home and remembered all the leftovers from our lunchtime barbecue !

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Lots of great sunny fun by the seaside and I like the look of those delicious deserts too! Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  2. How lovely best of both worlds, beach and farm fun rolled into one. Love the piglets, so cute. #countrykids #magicmoments

  3. Awww I love the mother-babies animal tandem. But my fave would be that Ostrich egg> MAssive! #Countrykids
