Sunday 1 June 2014

Sunday weigh-in : The "Oops, is it Sunday?" edition

This week has been a week of not knowing what day it is. I went to work on Monday and Tuesday, then Wednesday was my day off. Thursday was a bank holiday so I went back to work on Friday after two days off convinced it was Monday. Yesterday we spent the day with the Madhouse grandparents which is usually a Sunday thing so when I got up this morning, I totally forgot about doing a weigh-in and tucked straight in to breakfast. Skipping the scales this week will give me a chance to recover from the enormous portion of fish & chips followed by One Direction cake that we tucked into yesterday anyway !

Hope all my fellow diet buddies have had a good week. Thanks to everyone who keeps linking up week after week - it's great to have a regular gang/support group in place for when the going gets tough.

Positives of the week

- Fish and chips, cake, champagne, lots of globecooking recipes ... it's been a week of eating treats without worrying about calories. Any cravings I may have had have been well and truly satisfied - time to get back to low cal options !

- We went for a big walk/geocaching adventure on Wednesday and Thursday. I'll be heading out for a long walk with the kids to the beach this afternoon too to see the "Farm Comes To Town" event.

Current targets 

Last week's target : Seeing a five was a huge shock - let's go for a shock the other way and aim for an 82 point something ! (I don't need to weigh in to know that that's a big fat fail - I'm more likely to have an 85 again !)

This week's targets : Get the numbers going down - get active as much as possible,even though it'll be a crazy week at work.

Short-term targets : I have a new pair of bright blue target jeans to fit into ! (Done but I want them to be a bit looser.)

Longer-term targets : Get back to the 70-somethings. Get my badges back to "weight lost" being more than "left to lose"

STILL TO GO : 15.9kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. You can even grab the linkie code and add it to your own blog if you like. :)

Wobbles Wednesday

You might also like to join in with the #WobblesWednesday link-up over at AutismMumma

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. Sounds like a heavenly week in terms of yummy food, I'm rather jealous! Good luck for this week! x

    1. Thanks - verdict at the end of the week, but it'll be hectic at work for the next fortnight with several late nights home so I'm not expecting great news to be honest !

  2. It will be fine, I've always found when increasing my activity my appetite increases also but eventually it becomes more manageable even if my activity is still up. I'd say it is better to be more active and eat a little more until it's a bit more of a regular thing rather than choosing to do no activity and just eat less - those I've known that have gone down the eat little and do no exercise route have always ended up giving in and binging.

    Plus I think the battle with weight loss is not to learn to do without a certain food instead it's to learn how to eat it in a controlled manner and smaller portion size.

    Saying that it's still frustrating doing things the slow way!

    I hope you have a good week this week, focus on the positives you are doing a great job!

    Sharon xx
    Beauty, Miscellany

  3. Totally with you on not knowing what day it is!! Have started back on a detox today - booze seems to have been the devil to me recently so need to cut it out for a short while... along with men!

    1. LOL What's that old joke about getting rid of 80kg of useless fat in one easy move by ditching your bloke ?! Seriously though, good luck with the detox xx

  4. Good luck for next week Cheryl xx
