Tuesday 3 June 2014

Tesco Weirdoughs savoury doughnuts review

When Tesco's sent through the press release for their latest bakery product, I did a bit of a double take. I know they're called Weirdoughs but even so, I wasn't expecting something quite this unusual ! They've taken doughnuts and associated them with two flavours more usually associated with crisps - salt & vinegar and cheese & onion. It couldn't work, could it ?! Well, they sent me through some vouchers to find out !

They do look just like mini ring doughnuts so if you want to play a trick on someone, you could put them on a plate and watch their face when they get a mouthful of savoury flavour when they're expecting sweet sugar ! I was very dubious but they're actually very nice - they have the texture of doughnuts but they taste like crisps and it works surprisingly well, although I must admit I'd rather have a sugar or apple one, given the choice ! The kids loved them and their mini-size makes them ideal for lunchboxes or picnics.

You can grab a bag of 10 on the bakery aisle for £1 so they won't break the bank and they're bang on trend with hybrid flavours being all the rage this year. If you're rubbing your hands with glee at this sweet/salty mash-up, you might like to try out my Bacon & Choc Chip Cookies - slightly weird but strangely moreish !

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

Elizabeth's Kitchen Diary

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  1. Seen these today when I went to get some normal Jam ones !! Just couldn't bring myself to buy and try them though :/ Might give them a go now I know they are a bit like crisps !! x

    1. LOL I thought it was a joke when I saw the press release ! I'll try anything though, and I was pleasantly surprised !

  2. same i could not do it either and those cookies .... now if they said taste these without telling you what they were than i may buy them if i liked them lol

    1. The cookies are actually very nice - I thought they'd be disgusting but the kids ask me to make them every now and then !

  3. Not sure I would ever eat them. I prefer traditional flavours. I wonder what flavours they will do next.

  4. That's a new one for me, haven't tried them yet, not sure I would want the whole bag, lol

    1. I expected to hate them but they're much better than I thought ... although I still think you can't beat jam or apple in a doughnut !

  5. Intriguing! I think I'd have to try them to make a proper opinion, but these do indeed sound weird! Thanks for linking up with #KidsCorner! :)
