Monday 4 August 2014

Madhouse Diaries : The Famous Five !

While we're down in Brittany visiting the Madhouse grandparents, the Madhouse Mini-testers have been catching up with their cousins. We've been having lots of fun and adventures with "The Famous Five". All that's been missing for it to be Enid Blytonesque is lashings of ginger beer !

We popped off to market on Sunday and bumped into these very cute miniature pigs.

Pretty bad planning though because they were just next to a sausage/chorizo stall ! We looked at clams so fresh they were clacking open and closed like castanets, crabs that made the kids squeal by wiggling their claws and huge buttery kouignaman cakes, but what did we buy ? Loom bands !

Just as well Mamie and Papy have got a big dining table !

We headed off to a local woodland walk for an amble through the trees - well, actually, it was supposed to be geocaching but we ended up on the wrong path so couldn't find any ! There was lots of posing for photos on strategically placed rocks and benches - I had to tell Pierre that this could be perceived as a rude gesture in England and he had to stop doing it in all the photos !

Sophie tried out the monkey bars !

Mamie and Papy found "l'île aux retraités" (retired people's island) and just to prove that you had to be an OAP to go on it, Juliette's foot slipped through a gap in the slats on the wooden bridge on the way across and I had visions of her losing her shoe in the lake ! Luckily, she came out unscathed and with both shoes intact !

I'm so tempted to photoshop this one to turn Madhouse Daddy into a gnome fishing in a pond !

 One last group photo of the cousins - all say cheeeeese (or ouistiti, as they say in France !)

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Madhouse Diaries : Geocaching in Brittany at the Pointe de Kerzanton

Kids in the Kitchen Foodie Fun


  1. Those miniature pigs are so cute. Looks like you are having a great time

  2. looks like you are all having a great time! love the miniature pigs so cute!
