Thursday 20 November 2014

Ultra Chloraseptic Winter Care Package

A rather lovely and exciting mystery parcel in a bright red box was delivered a couple of days ago.

We couldn't wait to get it open and see what goodies were lurking inside ! What we discovered was a rather lovely winter care package from Ultra Chloraseptic, containing a funky penguin mug with some honey and lemon, ideal for soothing sore throats, and a scarf to help prevent them in the first place. A very long scarf which looks like it could feature in A Scarf and A Half in fact ! 

There was also some useful information for the upcoming cold season. Did you know that very winter, more than seven million Britons battle the dreaded sore throat alongside other symptoms caused by seasonal colds and flu ? Most sore throats are not serious and pass within three to seven days without the need for medical attention. However, there are an estimated 57 million GP consultations a year for minor ailments such as coughs, colds and sore throats, which takes up an hour a day on average for every GP and reportedly costs the NHS £2 billion annually. It’s perhaps no surprise then that nine out of ten GPs believe that self care by patients has an important role to play in general practice.

If you fancy trying Ultra Chloraseptic Anaesthetic Throat Sprays, they are are available in three great tasting, sugar-free flavours – Blackcurrant, Cherry and Original Menthol. All are available in pocket-friendly capped bottles for ease of use ‘on the go’ to bring relief for the pain and discomfort caused by sore throats. They are available in most Boots, Superdrug, grocery and leading pharmacies in the UK without prescription. Ultra Chloraseptic costs £5.75, with each bottle containing more than 100 sprays (30 adult doses) and is suitable for children 6 and over at the lower dose of 1 spray. Contains Benzocaine. Always read the label and visit for more information.

Disclosure : I received a winter care package.

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1 comment:

  1. I love that stuff, it's the only thing that eases the dreadfully painful sore throats I get in the Winter, glad to see it's in nicer flavours this year :) What a fab parcel!
