Sunday 28 December 2014

Wishing you a (Pom) Wonderful New Year !

There's an expression in French when you want to say that someone (usually a child) is small - "il est haut comme trois pommes" which means "he's as tall as three apples". That's what I always think of when I see the iconic bottles of Pom Wonderful 100% pomegranate juice on the supermarket shelf !

We all love pomegranate at The Madhouse because it's a flavour that reminds us of our holidays to Turkey. I made some fabulous muffins with fresh pomegranate in them which acted as little flavour bombs and made them beautifully moist, but I'm also rather partial to a glass of Pom Wonderful pomegranate juice for breakfast, to give me a nice boost of vitamins in the morning.

I tried out some cocktails using Pom Wonderful a while ago which would be perfect if you want something a bit different for seeing in the New Year. I'd never thought of using the juice in cooking but the Pom Wonderful facebook page has loads of great recipe ideas, my favourite being the Latkes (Potato Pancakes) with Pomegranate Syrup.

Pomegranates provide a number of important nutrients including vitamin K, potassium and a variety of pomegranate polyphenols, making them an important part of a healthy and balanced diet. If you want to get your New Year off to a healthy start, throw a few bottles of Pom Wonderful in your trolley next time you go shopping. It tastes great and makes a healthy swap for your usual fizzy pop or  energy drinks.

Disclosure : I received the product in order to write an honest review.


  1. I never thought of it for cooking, either, other than syrup base for fruit salas!

  2. love pomegranate in a salad, I have never cooked with it though

  3. I love pomegranate in fruit salad. It's quite a pain to open and to get the seeds out without juice going everywhere, but I love them.

  4. Will have to check out the recipes!

