Friday 27 February 2015

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 27/2 #Dukan2

Second week of the holidays - I'm sticking with Dukan 2 but adding family-friendly additions for those who aren't watching their carbs !

Saturday (carbs allowed)

lunch - salmon salad at McDonalds

dinner - pasta bake with pan-fried chicken fillets

Sunday (everything allowed)

lunch - roast chicken, roast potatoes and veggies - followed by a belated birthday cake for Juliette with the Madhouse grandparents

dinner -  I doubt if anyone will be hungry but if they are, it'll be sandwiches or toast

Monday (protein day)

lunch - ham omelette

dinner -  ginger & lemongrass prawns with Konjac noodles (prawn/chorizo paella for everyone else)

Tuesday (protein + veg day)

lunch - chicken sausages with bubble & squeak and beans

dinner - Tandoori chicken with salad & rice

Wednesday (protein + veg + fruit)

lunch - Chinese orange chicken with stir-fry veg

dinner - veggie sausages with cauliflower cheese

Thursday (bread allowed)

lunch - garlic pepper beef with tomato & courgette bake

dinner - Sumac chicken with pide (Turkish bread) and rice

Friday (cheese allowed)

lunch - cod with spicy lentils & patatas bravas

dinner - probably a fridge full of leftovers to use up by now - if not, homemade soup

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !


  1. What a tasty week you have planned, enjoy!

  2. Loving the sound of the patatas bravas x

  3. Yum! Everything sounds fantastic!

  4. That looks like a fab week - I love pide, haven't had it for ages. Have a good week.
