Monday 2 March 2015

Don't miss the #NickJrBlaze and Monster Machines twitter party on Friday !

There was much excitement at The Madhouse when we discovered that we'd been selected as party hosts for a fun Nick Jr Blaze and the Monster Machines twitter party that will be taking place on Friday 6th March from 3.45-5.45pm. 

We received our party box at the weekend and I thought you might like a sneaky peek at what's inside. I bet you didn't expect that !

 As well as watching the premiere of the new Blaze and the Monster Machines show, the party will be focusing on learning through educational STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) activities at home.

As always, during the party there will be online spot competitions and more fun and games for the children to take part in, so make sure your laptop, PC or smart device is ready to go as the party starts. If you can’t wait until Friday then click on the badge at the top of this blogpost which will take you to the UKMumsTV website where you can download some activities for some Blaze and the Monster Machines inspired fun.

Keep an eye on the #NickJrBlaze hashtag on twitter and follow me @cherylp59 as well as @NickJrUK and @UKMumstv so you don't miss out on any of the updates. Hopefully see you on twitter on Friday !

Disclosure : We received a party pack to takepart in the twitter party on Friday.


  1. Sounds great, will be tuning in

  2. Fantastic announcement! Pierre is a hoot! Love his exuberance. :)

    1. I may need a strong drink by the end of the party !!
