Monday 27 April 2015

Giveaway #476 : Win a copy of Shoutykid book 2 - closed - winner Patricia Avery

Hi there,
My name is Harry Riddles, and I live with my mum, my dad and my EVIL sister Charlotte.But now my mum is having TWINS so either me or Charlotte are gonna lose our bedroom.ALSO, Dad’s moaning that I should do more sport and not be just a gamer (which shows what he knows cos I’m actually the BEST gamer World of Zombies has ever seen). ButI’ve joined the school football team to keep him happy although if we win anything it will bea miracle cos we suck. I’ve written to some stars of the football world to see if they wanna help out, and also a bunch of people who might take Charlotte off our hands – oh and Brad Pitt’s wife to see if she wants to adopt a couple more kids, but who knows if they will write back. We’ll see. Good luck and have fun.
Harry Riddles

The funniest kid in fiction is back! Follow his life’s ups and downs told through laugh-out-loud letters, emails, texts and more! Here are a couple of examples :

Dear David Beckham, England’s Greatest Dad and Footballer, hi there
My mum said if there’s one player in the whole of England who could help turn me and my school team from a bunch of losers into the best team in the South-West, it would be you. I told my mum that’s not going to happen because you don’t live in Cornwall, but my mum said you LOVE Cornwall. So that gave me a great idea!! Why don’t you move your family down here and live your CORNISH DREAM?!! Then you could send your kids to MY school. I think Cruz is about my age, and if he’s anything like you, I can tell Mr Phillips we have some real talent on the way and maybe – JUST MAYBE – we won’t get CRUSHED in the first round of the cup. That’s all I have to say.
Good luck and have fun and GBTM soon!
Harry Riddles

Dear Sir Alex Ferguson, the greatest football manager of all time,
 hi there –I know you’ve won more trophies than any other manager has EVER won in British history, but there’s one you missed – The South-West Schools’ Cup! How would you like to help bring this home to my school, Mount Joseph’s? Before you say yes, I should warn you that we really suck at football, but if you fancy a new challenge and you’re getting bored of being retired, let me know. Good luck and have fun.
Harry Riddles

I've just posted my review of the first two Shoutykid books - I loved them and raced through both in the space of an evening, before passing them on to the kids !

Lookout for book 3 in August 2015! Visit Shoutykids website for hilarious blog entries, competitions and learning resources at

The publishers have kindly offered to send a copy of the second Shoutykid book, How Harry Riddles Mega-Massively Broke The School, to one lucky Madhouse Family Reviews reader. Fill in your entries in the Rafflecopter widget below.

UK only. Closing date : 12/5/15

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook, twitter and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after a week, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray !

Other giveaways you may be interested in :


  1. I wrote to Bros many times to tell them how much I loved them!

  2. no I didn't :) I really wanted to meet brian harvey when I was younger though

  3. I didn't but if I did it would probably have been to Rick Astley!

  4. No I didn't, my mate used to write weekly to Jimmy Saville to try get on jim'll fix it, thankfully he never responded

  5. I wrote to get a Blue peter Badge but never got one!

  6. I wrote to Jimmy saville but luckily never got a reply

  7. I never wrote, but if Marilyn Monroe had still been alive I would have
    (Spencer Broadley)

  8. I never wrote to any celebrity and never wanted to! Donna Loxton

  9. i wrote to jimmy saville thankful for not being picked

  10. Nah never did although thought about it sometimes!

  11. I wrote to Jim'll Fix It :-/

  12. i never wrote but always wanted to write to jim'll fix it. Glad I didnt now

  13. Not when I was younger, but my best friend is 40 this year and I've sent her favourite actor a letter with a card inside. Hoping he'll sign it, I emailed his agent and asked them and they told me to send it to them and they would give him it. Isn't until November but sent it as he's in a play at the moment, so might not have time yet. :)

  14. wrote to no one

  15. No I never wrote to anyone.

  16. No but always wanted to write to Take That.

  17. Don't think I ever did xx

  18. Nope, but I did write into magazines sometimes.

  19. I sent a Christmas card to Noel Edmonds when I was younger!

  20. No, I never wrote, but I do remember crowding round a public telephone when one of the girls thought she knew Mark Owens telephone number! We wasted all our lunch money that day!!!!!

  21. No, I didn't but my son has written to Bear Grylls and he got a lovely reply!

  22. No I've never written to a celebrity

  23. I wrote to Jim'll Fix It, Thank God I never got a reply!

  24. I wrote to Blue Peter a couple of times - never got a badge (my sister did though!)

  25. I wrote to Jim will fixit.......didn't get a reply, probably not a bad thing!

  26. Fay McClaren entered via twitter

  27. No, never

  28. I wrote to Take That and Let Loose
    Victoria B

  29. I wrote to Gary Barlow when Take That split up to tell him my world had been destroyed but I'd still always be his his fan! :/ x

  30. I sent in a picture to art attack which was featured in their gallery I was very excited until I saw they had spelled my name wrong :( my handwriting's always been atrocious !

  31. No, I never wrote to a celeb but I'd love to win this book for my daughter!

  32. I have entered thanks

    Kay Panayi

  33. I never wrote to any celeb but met quite a few attending concerts.I would have loved to have written to Freddie Mercury and get his autograph though.

  34. No i never did.
    Steven Beasley

  35. Pam Francis Gregory11 May 2015 at 19:57

    I've entered! I wrote to Toyah!

  36. I never wrote to anybody famous.

  37. I didn't, nobody springs to mind that I wish I had!

  38. i wrote to Jason Donavan :)

  39. I never did, but I remember thinking about it when I was a child : )

  40. No I didn't but I have helped my son write to a few - He had a reply from David Tennant and a signed Dr Who pic

  41. I have entered - Hope to WIN

  42. I don't think there were 'celebrities' when I was a child in the 50s!!!!

  43. I haven't , but I'd like to have written to Marilyn monroe

  44. Denielle Nicol12 May 2015 at 22:57

    Yup to Jimmy Saville asking him to fix it for me to meet wham! Thankfully I never got on. Dxx
