Saturday 23 May 2015

Giveaway #482 : Win a copy of The Mindful Mother - closed - winner Karl Borowy

Naomi Chunilal, a Yoga and meditation teacher from North Devon, has just written a new book for mums-to-be that promises unparalleled support and nurturing throughout pregnancy, labour and early motherhood.

She explains : "I wrote the Mindful Mother after searching high and low for guidance to keep me afloat on my own journey into the unfamiliar territory of newborn babies. Upon standing on the shores of new motherhood, I realised that I didn't seem to have a natural aptitude to be a mother to say the least! And so I wanted to understand how to be present and enjoy this incredible phase of life. 'The Mindful Mother' supports and nurtures you to find more resilience, joy and fulfilment to cope with the reality of sleepless nights, feeding upon demand and looking after a young baby or child around the clock."

Speaking with humour and clarity to women's hearts, the Mindful Mother provides you with an emotional lifeline to not only survive but thrive through daily mothering dilemmas and challenges of looking after a baby. Through simple and clear meditation and self-development practices, it enables you to cultivate an authentic practice of mindfulness to help you navigate a clear path through the joys and frustrations of new family life.

  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Watkins Publishing (21 May 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1780288743
  • ISBN-13: 978-1780288741
  • Product Dimensions: 15.4 x 2.4 x 23.4 cm

I have one copy of the book to give away to a lucky Madhouse Family Reviews reader. Fill in your entries in the Rafflecopter widget below.

UK only. Closing date : 7/6/15

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook, twitter and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after a week, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray !


  1. Just take it easy, relax and enjoy! I loved being pregnant - I ate healthily, never drank alcohol, never smoked (though i don't smake anyway), I just ket think of my baby growing inside and wanted to keep myself healthy so my baby/babies would be healthy too :)

  2. I think second time around I was more relaxed anyway, but I would say just relax and take one day at a time!

  3. Alexa Schoolar23 May 2015 at 21:39

    just to enjoy every moment of it :)

  4. enjoy every minute you can @leabana1

  5. Being pregnant was an absolute nightmare, I was so ill and sick with it - in comparison the newborn baby was a breeze :)

  6. Thanks for the great giveaway. Sounds like a really good read

  7. Quite simply- try not to stress and enjoy your pregnancy! Put your feet up whenever possible!

  8. make sure you have plenty of me time!

  9. Enjoy every moment, pamper yourself with getting your nails done, facials and relaxation.

  10. I have entered competition. Nice prize, would be a great gift for friend.

    Rachel Craig

  11. I commented on blog :- The May Degustabox, Bank Holiday One.

    Rachel Craig

  12. I have entered. Great prize. Fingers crossed.

  13. Yes please would be great read x

  14. Get as much rest as possible.

  15. hypnobirthing!

  16. I have no tips, just had my third daughter 7 weeks ago, it was the most stressful pregnancy and birth of the 3

  17. Make time to relax and dont over do it (or you end up in hospital with high blood pressure like me)

  18. Valerie Myburgh2 June 2015 at 09:48

    Start yoga if not already doing some!

  19. Make sure you have plenty of daytime naps if possible! you need that energy

  20. Don't carry toddlers around (too much)

  21. Don't worry about doing nothing cause you will have lots when baby comes

  22. Would love to read this book, sounds great xx

  23. Don't google any symptoms you may be experiencing, rather speak to your midwife. The internet is full of horror stories and worst case scenarios!

  24. Keep hydrated and eat well balanced meals it really helps keep your hormones on an even keel making you more happy and serene

  25. Meditation is great for relaxation x

  26. Pam Francis Gregory7 June 2015 at 19:44

    No idea!
