Monday 18 May 2015

Invite some magic into your home - The Magic Door Store (review)

How many "magic visitors" do you have to your house? Like most people with kids, we have Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy, sometimes accompanied by her French mousey counterpart La Petite Souris. We also used to have the House Fairy, a fabulous invention - she's friends with Father Christmas and shares his magic telescope so she can see when you've tidied your room and calls by to leave a little note and/or gift (we're talking penny sweets and 10p coins here, not big bribes !). Actually, having just looked at the page and remembering how well it used to work with the girls, I think I may have to start using this again with Pierre ! The Madhouse kids have often asked, in wide eyed wonder, how these magic visitors get in and out of the house and I have always had to make something up quickly on the spot that didn't even sound convincing to me. Well, now I have the answer - a magic fairy/elf door !

As the packaging explains : "Your Magic Door gives your fairies their very own entry point into your home. All they require is somewhere quiet and secret so they can come and go as they please, sprinkling love and magic once everyone is fast asleep." Can you just imagine your kids' eyes sparkling with excitement when they hear this ?! Even as a grown up, I think it sounds very magical and exciting !

The Magic Door Store was founded by mum Sarah Tollit when her children became fascinated with searching for fairies and elves in the garden. Sarah created tiny, elegant doors which appeared just above the skirting board in the children's bedrooms, allowing the fairies and elves to visit. The doors, which come in a range of colours, are made from resin and are easily mounted on any wall with the sticky putty supplied.

The rest is just down to your kids' imagination (which has undiscovered depths !) and I love the fact that as a parent, I can help keep the magic going and fuel their creativity and sense of make-believe. This was Sarah Tollit's inspiration too. She said : “Children have amazing imaginations and The Magic Door Store has been developed to capture this, with creativity and magical innocence at the heart of each product."

But that's just the beginning of the magic ! You can also buy extra accessories to create a wonderful magical fairy/elf home, such as welcome mats with toadstalls or daisies.

Imagine how excited your children would be to see some tiny bottles of milk being delivered to the front of the door or little fairy footprints, using the miniature stencil !

And if your skirting boards aren't the right height or width for the door to be stuck on, they have thought it all out and have that covered too - there's a little fairy step ladder if needed !

I always love the excitement and magic of Christmas Eve, putting out the mince pie and carrot for Santa and his reindeer and hanging up the stockings, then heading to bed, desperate to discover in the morning if he has been. The Magic Door Store allows you to inject some excitement and magic into your child's life (and your own !) all year round, not just on Christmas Eve.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £20 for a Fairy/Elf door

for more information :

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't they great? We found the general idea a little time ago, planning some ideas for my nieces' new bedroom when they move in with my mum. The other ideas we want to do for/with them are making a "Zoo Cage" for their stuffed toys and making a Fairy Garden out of an old hard book fairytale book with them, too. We pinned some stuff here if you want some ideas:
