Friday 22 May 2015

Set Your World on Flowers - green fingers not required ! (review)

Someone once said to me (and I must admit, it made perfect sense !) that it is highly UNromantic to give someone a bunch of cut flowers. You're giving a gift to symbolise your love that will start fading within days and be totally dead within a week ! Well, new plant company Set Your World On Flowers has come up with a great and longer-lasting alternative - beautiful outdoor flowers to enjoy that require minimal fuss and are guaranteed to last for 40 days.

They sent us this lovely selection which added an instant splash of colour to the patio. Because the flowers are already expertly nourished with everything they need to thrive, they need minimal care and attention. Just add water each day and see your beauties bloom! These flowers are ideal for people who love gardens and flowers and want a lovely looking outdoor space but simply don't have the time, money or space to create a beautiful garden. They're perfect for instantly brightening up a patio, balcony or window box.

We received some Picotee-Blue Pettis (the deep blue ones with the splash of white in the centres), some Hot-Pink Geris (the deep pink flowers with paler pink on the edges of the petals), some Star-Rose Pettis (the smaller deep/pale pink striped trumpet blooms) and some Limited Edition Pinto Premium White To Rose.

If you want to see how they survive over the next couple of months, keep an eye on my twitter feed @cherylp59 !

currently available at ten Waitrose stores

for more information :

Disclosure : We received the products in order to write an honest review.


  1. I would prefer these over cut flowers any day! For Mother's Day we always go and choose some plants for the garden instead and then I can enjoy them all year :)
