Sunday 17 May 2015

Sunday weigh-in : Where did the week go ?!

I literally have no idea where this week went - it's been a blur ! We went back to work/school on Monday and I discovered that (1) my trainee teacher has an inspection next Friday (so I have to go through her lesson plan in advance and iron out any kinks) (2) I'm going to Poland on a work trip ... the week after next ! That threw up all kinds of other problems like sorting out extra daycare for the Madhouse kids, racing through the last lessons before the end of term/reports (very start of June for the final year students)... suddenly everything went into warp speed !

Then Thursday was a bank holiday (Ascension Thursday) and on Friday, Madhouse Daddy did that wonderful French tradition of "making the bridge" and taking off Friday too to get an extra long weekend ! So I left him to pick up the kids and went on a long geoacahing walk with Sophie, then we went out on another geocaching trip as a family on Saturday.

Foodwise it's been OK but favouring speed over meticulously planned healthy dishes, so all in all, a no change is good enough. I know in advance that Poland will not be kind to the scales - two three course meals in a restaurant and a cooked breakfast every day for five days will take its toll ! - so I probably won't be very motivated this week either !

Positives of the week

- No change is better than a gain !

- I popped into a clothes shop and tried on a few pairs of trousers and dresses ... they were all too big and I had to go down a size to what I thought ! :)

Current targets 

Last week's target : Get back into routine but manage to keep up with 2 x 30 minute WiiFit runs. (one wii fit run and 2 geocaching walks so good enough)

This week's targets : Slimfast shakes for lunch at work, get through the week without having a nervous breakdown !!

Short-term targets 21kg to lose sounds a lot but breaking it down, aiming for 1kg a week, that's only about 5 months - plenty of time for heading off to Turkey in August !

first target, get my "weight to lose" badge down into the 40's (it's currently on 51lb) (done),
 second goal - get back to 85.9kg, my pre-xmas weight (done )
third goal : get my "kg lost" badge back into double figures 
fourth goal : get my "weight loss" badge higher than my "still to go" badge
fifth goal : get back into my (smallest) bright blue jeans comfortably
sixth goal : get back to 77kg - my lowest weight since my pregnancies

Longer-term targets :  Hit my target weight of 68kg. 

STILL TO GO : 16.9kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to my weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement. You can even grab the linkie code and add it to your own blog if you like. :)

get the InLinkz code

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. What a busy week, it made me tired just reading it all. Well done for getting into a smaller size, things like that make it all worth while. Don't forget to listen to your slimpod each night before you sleep, it really will help. xx

  2. Thanks Jayne - I haven't been making time to listen to the Slimpod this week actualy but you've just reminded me, I'll go and listen to it now. It's only 10 minutes so I have no excuse ! :)

  3. Just what I needed to get back on track. ;-) Love your positives of the week :-D

  4. Sounds like you have had a good - but busy week - no gain is a positive to take out of the week for sure. Enjoy Poland, it will be an awesome opportunity! As for being a smaller dress size... that is fantastic... always a lovely surprise and shows that the hard work is paying off! :) Hope you are having a good week!xx

    1. I went last October and it was very different to how I expected - lots of work visits planned and lots of restaurants, but I hope we get to see a bit of the country too !

  5. Wow you've been busy! I know how you feel though life just takes over some times and dieting ends up on the back burner a no change is a fab result I wish mine had been haha!

  6. It's great that you are fitting into a smaller size. If I was you I'd just enjoy your trip to Poland! Have a great week!

    Sharon xx
    Beauty, Miscellany

  7. Well done on going down a dress size. You can ge into double figures again, just refocus. Good luck with the inspection. #weightlosswednesday

    1. thanks, that's what I need to do after Poland !

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Life has just taken over for me aswell. It just gets manic sometimes doesn't it.

    If you can't diet next week in poland then one thing you can do is learn new tastes, textures and combinations that you do like. I've heard the food is very stodgy but I've often surprised myself and found some new combination that I like to add to my list of options like adding fruit to something or trying a different sauce that's either lower in calories or higher in good nutrients or something.

    I also like to find new ways to move more which means you have a reason for sightseeing instead of being stuck in a hotel or office.


    Colin - #weightlosswednesday
