Wednesday 24 June 2015

Madhouse diaries : The Disgusting Jelly Bean Challenge

A couple of weeks ago, I went off to England on a day trip with some of my pupils, so I asked the Madhouse kids if they wanted me to bring anything back in particular. We were visiting Dover Castle but also had some free time in Canterbury scheduled in for shopping, and I know they have loads of souvenir shops. Both Juliette and Sophie asked me to look out for disgusting jelly beans - I had no idea what they were on about but thought no more of it. When we were in Canterbury, all of the kids were going mad buying them - apparently it's a huge Youtube sensation and you can't get them in France - so I popped into the sweet shop where everyone had been buying them and shelled out way too much cash buying two packs (£3.99 and £2.99, what a rip-off !)

The Harry Potter ones (Bertie Bott's Beans) warn you in advance what you are letting yourself in for. Alongside the regular flavours like banana, candyfloss and green apple, you get disgusting things like earwax, dirt, sausage, soap and earthworm.

The Jelly Belly Bean Boozled ones are even more warped though. Each colour represents two flavours and they both look identical - biting into a green one might release juicy pear or booger (bogies) flavour, black could be licorice or skunk spray (both equally vile in my opinion !) and brown could be chocolate pudding or canned dog food. Ewww !

They may look innocent and tasty but one of the kids on the school trip was physically sick after eating a handful of these. Admittedly, he thought it was great, went on to show everyone off the coach and took me seriously when I suggested he took himself in a selfie with his pile of sick - goodness knows what his parents thought when he showed them the photos of his day out !

I did warn the Madhouse kids but they were still up for the challenge so we made little piles of each colour and took some paper cups for spitting out the foul ones (and hopefully not being sick in !). I filmed our exploits so you can have a giggle !

So what do you think? Would you be brave enough to eat them ?!


  1. It looks like you had great fun! I have heard of these but haven't tried them....

    1. I can't believe how popular they were with the kids on our school trip - everyone was obsessed with them !

  2. You are all brave! Not sure I'd want to try any of these innovative flavours. Great video, guys!

    1. Thanks - we're a long way from becoming proper vloggers but I thought this called for a video !

  3. I have heard of these, but not tried them. I bet my children will one day though when they find out about them ;)
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

  4. Oh, there are times when I'm very glad I'm a vegetarian, can't possibly get drawn into this one by the kids :) It looks like you had fun... #letkidsbekids

  5. Oh goodness! I can't even handle the buttered popcorn flavor; never ever ever canned dog food or booger...ewwwww yuck! lol #letkidsbekids

    1. It has to be someone pretty sadistic who came up with the idea !

  6. The kiddos and I just watched the entire video and they couldn´t stop laughing at Pierre "falling" on the floor. What a gross endeavour! jellybeans that taste like barf? oh my.

    1. LOL He was so funny - I could never tell if he had a nice or nasty one though !

  7. Lucas says - Now, these sound right up my street......
    The Mother says - Is it ok that my tummy actually started churning when I read the flavours??? #letkidsbekids

    1. It did make me wonder what exactly they put in them to get the flavours !
