Tuesday 23 June 2015

Professor Scrubbington's ... Scrubber scrubber scrubber ... Scrubbingtons ! (review)

You can tell I'm a mum ... every time I see the name Professor Scrubbington's, I launch into a jaunty rendition of the Chuggington theme tune ! The gorgeous suitcase-shaped box that arrived in the post does fit in with the train theme though, as it was covered in travel and transport stickers that have since been stuck all over the Madhouse family's suitcases !

The important thing was what was inside the box though and it was equally impressive as the outer packaging : the complete range of new, natural, children's personal care products from Professor Scrubbington's Emporium of Clean. The range is specifically designed for primary school-aged children to wash themselves, so the bottles are designed to be easy to squeeze with just one hand, all the products are foaming as that stays on small hands better than gel, and the pump on the hand wash is nice and chunky to make it really easy for children to use.

So on to the testing. My initial impresion was that, while I really liked the olde-worlde feel of the packaging as a grown-up, I thought that the Madhouse kids (as the target audience) might find it a bit bland as they usually go instinctively for the bright colours or the cute cartoon characters on the shelves. Juliette just shrugged non-commitally and popped up the top for a sniff though, so she obviously only cared about what was inside. Here's what we thought :

Magically Foaming Hand & Face Wash With A Fresh Scent - As a parent, I love the idea of a two-in-one face and hand wash. After eating chocolate, ice cream, spaghetti bolognese or a million other things I could name, Pierre always seems to have as much food around his mouth as inside it and he inevitably pokes his finger in his ketchup or gets sticky hands too, so it's been great to send him off to wash his hands and have a quick clean around his mouth at the same time - something I wouldn't normally suggest with our usual liquid soap by the kitchen sink. The kids love the foaming texture so they've been washing their hands more often and Pierre has definitely been grumbling less when I tell him to go and clean his mouth after dinner ! A winner !

Magically Foaming Hair & Body Wash With A Fresh Scent - Got the job done and the kids loved the texture. Foam bikinis and Mohicans anyone ?!

Magically Foaming Conditioner / Shampoo - Pierre only used the shampoo but loved the fact that it didn't slip off his hands when he went to put it on his head and was less drippy in his eyes than our usual runny shampoo. Juliette used and loved both. The conditioner isn't as thick and creamy as my usual one but it did make it easier to rinse it, which has to be a good thing for kids.

Magically Natural Roll-On for Young Persons - Juliette doesn't like spray-on deodorants because she thinks they're cold and sometimes sting, so she loved the roll-on format. I tried it too and found it a bit too wet for my liking (which is true of all roll-ons, not just this one) but Juliette thought it was OK and it kept her whiff-free, even after running about outside for hours ! 

The fragrance is the same across the whole range and it is nice and refreshing - I could detect citrus (the ingredients list includes aloe vera leaf juice and citronellol, but Juliette got poetic and said it smelt like cool rain on a hot summer's day. Fair enough !

I love the fact that the whole range contains no hidden nasties too. I was pleasantly surprised by the prices, expecially with the current promotions, that are a great way of trying out the whole range.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £5 per product or buy the whole range for £20

for more information : www.scrubbingtons.com

Disclosure : We received the products in order to write an honest review.

Family Fever


  1. It is nice to see what these are like as i got a one of these in my Britmums goody bag that i have yet to open. I am sure my daughter will like it x #triedtested

  2. These sound like great products....Perfect for children to use xx

  3. The range looks great, I got some in my Britmums Live goody bag but unfortunately couldn't bring it home due to liquid restrictions on my hand luggage, gutted!

  4. I have heard a lot of good things about this range, must try it out! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested
